- Joined
- May 21, 2012
- Location
- United States
- In-game name: Fortified_
- Location & Age: Southern California, US, 23
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None.
- Referral(s): None.
- Have you voted for Herocraft: Yep.
- How'd you hear about Herocraft: Just browsing the servers section on the Minecraft Forums, and the post caught my eye.
- Special Key: {HCF10}
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes. And I read them. Really!
- Reason(s) you should be accepted: I can't say I'm an incredibly talented builder or PVPer, but I've been an active and avid Minecraft player for a while now. I have a bit of experience on a server somewhat similar to this, Lord of the Craft.
- Additional Info: I absolutely love RPGs, from pen & paper DnD to WoW, and Minecraft is obviously not any exception. Gaming takes up a large chunk of my life, and when I'm not gaming I'm very active in theatre and the arts. My big dream is to make it to Broadway as a stage manager or technician, but until then I am working in some of the fantastic theatres here in California. I'm currently single, (Ladies?) living on my own, and enjoying life to its fullest. Thanks for reading through my application!