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Suggestion Eviscerate


Legacy Supporter 5
May 4, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina
Why is the CD for eviscerate so high. I'm not the best pvp by any means, but CDs for things like fireball are much lower, and they do more damage i think, it should be lowered


It's a finishing-desperation skill that ninja's/thieves use too try to get any damage out to defeat a target, it is used in many other cases but with a lower cooldown this skill would be like harmtouch on drugs.


Glowing Redstone
Feb 8, 2012
How the fuck is it a finishing or desperation skill? Eviscerate is supposed to be used against warriors, for it does 20 damage regardless of armor, but honostly, its going to do about 20% of some casters health also, so thats a plus. And even with the high cooldown, I find that against tanky classes I can use it 2-3 times in a fight, and it almost never is the finishing skill, much easier just to hit them once or twice with your 12 damage sword.. In regards for the high CD.. eh, the reason casters CD are much lower and damage is much higher is because casters are made to use skills, whereas rogues are made more for up close and personal sword combat. Your sword as a thief/ninja is going to do 12 damage. A casters hoe? Well, thats more like 2-4 damage. Thats where the higher damage and lower CD of a caster balance out. Honostly, I think thieves are pretty set as it is. Not too overpowered, depending on your opinion, but not underpowered as they where before eviscerate, which seems to have balanced things out a bit. Just an opinion


Holy Shit!
Jun 22, 2011
Last time I checked, Ninja's and Thief's have very nice base damage with a diamond sword. So if you want to compare your, 12 damage Diamond Sword as a Thief/Ninja compared to a Casters 3 damage Diamond Hoe, I think you can do the math. Not only that, but Fireball is a skill shot, where as you can mash the hell out of your left click without any disadvantage, Casters lose Mana and are set on a cooldown. Quit trying to say your class is underpowered, try to learn how to play it for once.


How the fuck is it a finishing or desperation skill? Eviscerate is supposed to be used against warriors, for it does 20 damage regardless of armor, but honostly, its going to do about 20% of some casters health also, so thats a plus. And even with the high cooldown, I find that against tanky classes I can use it 2-3 times in a fight, and it almost never is the finishing skill, much easier just to hit them once or twice with your 12 damage sword.. In regards for the high CD.. eh, the reason casters CD are much lower and damage is much higher is because casters are made to use skills, whereas rogues are made more for up close and personal sword combat. Your sword as a thief/ninja is going to do 12 damage. A casters hoe? Well, thats more like 2-4 damage. Thats where the higher damage and lower CD of a caster balance out. Honostly, I think thieves are pretty set as it is. Not too overpowered, depending on your opinion, but not underpowered as they where before eviscerate, which seems to have balanced things out a bit. Just an opinion
Eh, like I stated it is used in many situations in long battles against warriors maybe though usually I see people get me down to 2 hearts and just eviscerate me/mortal wound/harmtouch as a desperation skill then with spout I check their Hp and it's like 2 :confused:. But anyways I see people use it at the beginning at ends of fights I personally against casters/disciples focus on kick silencing them and then just melee-ing them and stunning them with blackjack. I don't even have eviscerate yet and I can kill most casters (non-geo) or disciples with just kick assuming my way of attacking I would silence the target and then eviscerate them finishing them for good :p


Anyways, I agree w/c12 w/out eviscerate I can already take down most disciples/casters specs.


Glowing Redstone
Feb 8, 2012
I fight the same against all classes, which I guess is a problem, but eh. First, lead off by using kick, silencing them for usually about 1/3 - 1/4 of the fight. Then blackjack and envenom, hope for the stun. In any class, Ill use eviscerate as soon as I can after kick, and then, if the CD has expired, later in the fight also. In between, mashing your sword, running in circles, and if it benefits, an occasional confuse usually does the trick. Just a little combat trick that I must add to all thieves reading this. In a situation in which your facing a 3v2, use confuse on one, making the battle a 2v2. Confuse has a good 7 second effect time, and the CD is just about that also, so if needed you can use it two times on the same person to keep them out of the fight. This enables you to fight a fairer, easier to win 2v2 fight, before either gaining health, or 2v1'ing the remaining member. Random tip, but eh, had to put it somewhere, why not here


Legacy Supporter 5
May 4, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina
but with a hich CD and little range for ninja/thieves, fighting warriors, who have huge armor advantages, is difficult. unless you attack run, attack, run, attack, run, the CD should be lower than 20 seconds. either that or buff up our armor, we are meant to fight toe to toe, but with armor that breaks in a matter of seconds. i think ninjas should have leather helm and boots, with chain pants and chest and thieves opposite that


Glowing Redstone
Feb 8, 2012
Thieves are ninjas should have the same armor if it is going to be changed, first off, just as they have always had. I think that adding chain boots would suffice, but eh, Im pretty content with where they are now. As for warriors - first off, rogue classes arnt even supposed to be able to kill warrior classes without luck/skill. The supposed order was supposed to be warrior>rogue>caster>warrior. At the beggining of DG, this order was kinda fucked up. Looked a little like caster>warrior, caster>rogue, caster>healer, but thats sorta disapeared (cept for with those damn geomancers, 5 fucking hearts should not be able to be inflicted with one attack on a thief -.-) But most people disregard that intended order now, and Im not even sure if its what they are still going for. I do agree with you however, as of now warrior classes do have a slight edge over rogues. But honestly as a master thief I find that only samurais and dreadknights prove a real problem, and samurais can be beaten with a lucky blackjack. Dragoons are eh, Impale kinda rapes, but save for that they arnt that much of a problem. And Paladins, although they take forever to kill, seem to be perfectly balanced with most every class of the game.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 12, 2012
You do realize that eviscerate is instant damage through armor. There is no skill to using it, it's a point hit kind of skill that does a large amount of damage instantly. And like some of the other skills that do instant damage, this doesn't reguire a reagant/damage to ones self/mana loss to target, this is an instant damage skill that requires nothing from you.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 12, 2012
Thats correct, we do realize that it is instant.
Which is why it should have a long cool down.

Other instant damage skills require something from you (empathy works only if you have taken damage) or from the other person (inversion requires that the other person uses mana).


Glowing Redstone
Feb 8, 2012
It already has a long cooldown. 20 seconds, right? And without it, thieves and ninjas would be fucked against highly armored classes like paladins and dreadknights that could just keep on going and never die. And if the cooldown was so that it was only usable once a fight, then again, it just woudnt have enough effect against highly armored classes.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 7, 2012
I can kill casters running from the graveyard with no weapon/armor. All I have to do is use blackjack every once in a while and use eviscerate. It's our only skill like that and makes ninjas and thieves unique.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 12, 2012
It's our only skill like that and makes ninjas and thieves unique.
First off unigue means different, and it's not different when both classes have the skill. Second ninja has smoke/backflip and thief has theivery/backstab which makes them both unique. Thirdly as a ninja you shouldn't have to be completely dependant on your skills when you are a melee class.