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Ello there! *Puts application in front of face*

So am I an interesting person?

  • Nope. Your as boring as a teaspoon.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Your as interesting as a tyranasourusrex (Because of there big heads and tiny arms)

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters
Oct 22, 2012
Minecraft In-game name: Greusomcheese (I personally do not enjoy this username, my friend Rob chose it while me and him were making my account, I turned to watch the TV for a second and BOOM. Horrible username was created, and he didn't even spell Gruesome right...I prefer the name Carterkatt -_-)
Location & Age: I am from Canada ey :3. And I am thirteen years of age.(I come from the land of ice and snow! XD)
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): Nope, I have never been banned before and I'm working on forever keeping a friendly and clean slate!
Referral(s): Hm I apologize, I do not have one. c:
How did you hear about Herocraft?: Well I was searching for a server I could settle on, possibly even fully commit to.(And I'm hoping this is the one! ;D)
Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes if course!
Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: I just relaxed back on my bed and read through ought both of links to the rules thoroughly and yes I do agree.
Reason you should be accepted: Well, I enjoy being a helpful person. And if for some reason I can't be helpful I think of my self as a friendly person, getting to know other players, build, explore, all that snazzy stuff is the kind of thing I enjoy.
Special key (DON'T LEAVE BLANK!): HCG13
Additional Info: Well, here is my favorite part. c:

See, I think of myself as a usually goofy person, but if I'm not being silly I'm a chill gal.

Now...let's see, I enjoy reading. Give me a book and I'll read it wether it be a horror novel that is 500 pages long, or the back of a cereal box.

I do have one certain interest that is my all time favorite. Fine arts. I live for drama, actually I will be in a film that is for the upcoming film festival around where I live! And I am super stoked for it. Other then living to be an actress, I love to dance. My dance crew will be doing a flashmob for Gangnam style at our high school.

Now finally. Yeah, I'm almost done don't worry. I absolutely always put my friends first, I LOVE, and ADORE them so immensely I'd take a bullet for each and every one of the weirdos. c: And yes, I am to calling myself a weirdo by saying that.

If you want to learn a tad more about me. (If I may have sparked your interest) Check me out on Instagram, Skype, or just email me! Don't be shy I don't bite!

Skype: (Carterkatt)
Instagram: (Carterkatt)
Email: [email protected]

I thank you for taking your time to read this, I assure you I put full effort into this and hope you think of me for being whitelisted I would greatly appreciate it! <3
Oct 22, 2012
We do not share the account, but he does know the password.

c: But I trust him enough to know he will not play on this account, seeing as his computer is so crappy minecraft crashes it everytime he try's to play. XD


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
I will go ahead and add you tot he whitelist. I will warn you that if your friend gains access to the account, you will be held accountable for any actions that take place. The excuse "My friend did it" is not valid in a ban appeal.

Welcome to Herocraft
Oct 22, 2012
Well. Thank you very much!

I feel bad though because I am actually going to give this account to him. Today my fathers buying me a new account in which I will use so you can take Greusomcheese off the list xD but you can add the username I need to think of......hmmm.... Carterkatt :3

Yes my username will be Carterkatt c:

If you could do that it would make me as happy as a clam. <3


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
I removed the name Greusomcheese from the whitelist, but until I can verify with MC that the other name you have given me is a valid account name, I will not be able to whitelist it.
Oct 22, 2012
Alright sounds fair :3

I will not be able to but the account right now because Minecraft.net is being weird right now. XD but as soon as it's up I'll make my account premium.