- Minecraft In-game name: Elftroll,
- Location & Age: Michigan Elftroll-13
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers):3-4 bans for rage cussing or sending message's very quicky. But i swear nothing will happen here
- Referral(s): MinecraftFourm's, Some other friend's
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: When i have been looking for the right server for mmorpg. I Was on google when my friend told me to type in Herocraft. Once i typed it ton's of thing's popped up i clicked on the mincraftfourm's one and was introduced there.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Nope But once i get on we will vote right away!
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes
- Reason you should be accepted:Because i have been looking to introduce are myself to other gamer's mmorpg-like and since Ive played W.O.W this seemed exactly like it. So when i was intrested i started planning what i was going to do on the server and how cool it is. Well... i forgot for 3 day's to apply to get white-listed -_- (whoop's). Now that i have figured out to acually apply it feel's good to know that how much i have went through to find a good server i might have found the server i will keep forever.
- Additional Info: Im a great football player and i know what im doing in school and with computer's