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Elftroll App.

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Apr 5, 2012
  1. Minecraft In-game name: Elftroll,
  2. Location & Age: Michigan Elftroll-13
  3. Previous Bans (Includes other servers):
  4. Referral(s): MinecraftFourm's, Some other friend's
  5. How did you hear about Herocraft?: When i have been looking for the right server for mmorpg. I Was on google when my friend told me to type in Herocraft. Once i typed it ton's of thing's popped up i clicked on the mincraftfourm's one and was introduced there.
  6. Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Nope But once i get on we will vote right away!
  7. Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?Yes
  8. Reason you should be accepted:Because i have been looking to introduce are myself to other gamer's mmorpg-like and since Ive played W.O.W this seemed exactly like it. So when i was intrested i started planning what i was going to do on the server and how cool it is. Well... i forgot for 3 day's to apply to get white-listed -_- (whoop's). Now that i have figured out to acually apply it feel's good to know that how much i have went through to find a good server i might have found the server i will keep forever.
  9. Additional Info: Im are mature on game's But! Im not mature outside of game's i mess around and have fun living the normal life and having fun with it while it last's


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
Well you left the ban portion on your application blank, so I will presume that means you do not have any bans.

So explain why you did not mention a ban I have found for you from yesterday.


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
The application says "Previous bans", you are not being 100% honest by not mentioning it...not to mention it was from yesterday not days, weeks, or months ago.

I see on another server you claim to be 16, yet here you say 13, and your profile says 24. Care to tell me why?


Apr 5, 2012
well im 13 legit and profile says 24 cause i dont put my real birth date in and 16 on other server because i dont like to be juded being little i act alot older than my age and this was the first time i was going to be honested becuz i wanna see if i even make friend's :/


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
So your two bans that have been found, one was in March, the other from yesterday. So again you are still not being 100% honest about your bans.

If you cannot be 100% honest, there is no need for me to go any further.


Apr 5, 2012
NONONONO!!!!! Please god no some i dont remeber and there was not one from yesterday it was on tuesday ive been banned off 2-3 server's for sending message's alittle to fast and other's i was to young or when someone made fun of me i would rage cuss. One time i got banned for flying when i jumped of a warp called skydive and was stuck in the air. I was banned on a pvp server for makeing a bedrock base when it was illegal although it didnt say shit in rules and someone sold it to me!!


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
Alright I have asked you to convince me you will not rage curse or spam, and you have not done so. I even sent you a PM about it, and said edit your post to make it a great argument. You have then created a second application, which wastes the time of the other Proctors. You failed to be honest about any of your bans until I pushed you on it.

I am going to deny this application. Good luck on another server.
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