Extra stuff: Well i like your the class system i plan to be a miner or a knight most likely a miner because my friend player321 will be a knight and he is really good at pvp. I also think a floating base is the most secure atleast with factions plugin i havn't tryed your since it's custom i think. I would also like to start a shop and sell diamond armor, weapons and tools. I don't have any pictures of anything i've built because i lost my saves, but i will tell you what i have made. I built a fortress using this wonderful mountain which was shapped like a "C" and i walled off the one open side. I then built a tunnel system for this which you needed a boat to use. This would take you to the desert a pine forest and a lake for harvesting and other stuff. I also built a secret escape route with a get away pack that had food, building supplies, armor, a sword, and tools. I had two buildings inside it before i lost my map (my harddrive crashed sorta deleted important files opps). But i had a storage building which was fully capable of being expanded easily to add more floors of the same layout, and i had a garbage system which flowed down to a collection room. I've also built a huge underground base on my old server which had room for 17 people, and many different farms. Also i like this community everyone seems pretty nice, and i can't wait to see how people have used the class and town system your map must be amazing.