In Game Name(IGN): Faustac
Age(must be 15+): 21
Minecraft Exp: Pretty good, ive been playing mc for like 2 years or more
Herocraft Exp: Pretty good
Spec or intended spec: Alchemist and ill be going bloodmage
Current level: Alchemist 1, lost soul 12
What do you like to do? (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.): I can do anything for town needs
What strengths do you bring to the town?: I can help you in raids, defending town, helping you guys
Past Cities/Towns (if applicable): No
Have you ever been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out): No
Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Drakenvale?: YES!
Do you understand The Rules and Regulations?: Yes
Do you have a mic/headset? Teamspeak?:Yes
Were you referred? By who? i was looking for town and i saw oh this looks pretty cool