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dragonzero39 = Loremaster Application


Legacy Supporter 7
Aug 16, 2011
North America
=== Loremasters Application ===

  1. Minecraft IGN: dragonzero39
  2. Position applying for: Loremaster!
  3. Age|Timezone: 17, MST
  4. How long have you been on Herocraft?: 10 months.
  5. Why do you think you would make a good Loremaster?: I've always had a great love for writing, especially fictional pieces and fantasy literature. I currently have a whole bucket of idea's that I would like to apply not only for the entertainment of the readers on the forums, but also down the road for the entertainment of the players on the server. I feel there is a whole new level of lore that could be released and incorporated into the daily game play. I think the ability for a player to read a piece of literature, and then carry out a similar quest while on the server, would be a great additive to the Herocraft Multiverse
  6. Link to a piece of work you have done (lorewise)!
Just typed this a minute ago, hot off the keyboard :D
Cyth carefully crawled down from the stone ledge that he had been perched on, into the dark and decrepit tunnel beneath him. He had been sent by the Elder Council of Dragongarde to ensure the prison of an ancient demon was still locked tight. Every step he took, echoed off the walls, and his torch only gave enough light to reveal light a few feet in front of him. His breathing got heavier as he walked onward, following the ancient glyphs that were carved into the obsidian next to him. Somewhere behind the wall to his right, he heard a spider scuttle along the ancient stonework. Vines hanging down from the ceiling brushed against his face, and chills swept through his soul, down to his core. He felt a light breath against the back of his neck, and dropped his torch in the puddle below his feet. He quickly muttered under his breath, “Phos”. A small glow emerged from the tips of his fingers, but to his surprise, the glyphs on the wall, also began to glow, a bloody red and black swirl seemed to manifest itself inside the crooks of the wall carvings. Cyth’s old robe dragged behind him, like a companion afraid to leave his side. He stopped suddenly, and the cave seemed to grow silent around him. He had reached an ancient door, bones and skulls stuck out from every square inch of the surface. Some skulls still smelled of flesh and blood, and other skulls seemed to smile at him at he got closer. He reached his hands slowly towards the door, and spoke the key phrase “Palai-Hiero”. There was a long pause. The door creaked open, and dust poured out of the cracks of the archway. He looked inside, only long enough for the crypts located within to whisper “Thanatos!”. Cyth was blown backwards down the tunnel. Footsteps clashed after him through the halls. Cyth got up and begin to sprint down the tunnels back towards the entrance. He reached the ledge he had been on only minutes ago, the mossy smooth stone was too slick for him to climb. He turned to see a horde of wraiths and demons running at him, “DUNAMIS” he shouted, as he let loose a barrage of powerful spells, the cave began to shake as spells blew off chunks of stone, rocks crashed on to the cave’s floor below, and slowly the cave began to collapse inward on the mighty spellsword.
  1. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I've been on Herocraft for my fare share of days, and although I may not have the knowledge of some loremasters, I've still witnessed many events, and are active enough to see the changes in the many factions and guild's as well as their roles in Herocraft. I hope to have an opportunity to also excited some of the gameplay, by creating stories relating to actual places and towns that area already on the Multiverse. Thanks for your time!