Haha sweet add me man - Oxea. Yeah I started off with DoTA, had a bunch of mates playing it and it was ok honestly. I was in to other WC3 games like Tower Defence, Castle Run and shit (forgot the names). Then I tried HoN and tried to get those friends to switch but nah, they're old school haha. HoN was ok, really unforgiving community and times and shit but it does make for hardcore battles. I played like Pharoah and Pyromancer heaps, I did get good with em but then left.
At the same time I had access to LoL as well but didn't pay much attention, I played Savage 2 prior to HoN and since it was made by the same company it was only natural to follow through. So after my HoN stint, I retried LoL and just stuck with it ever since. Got heaps of my friends to play whether clannies or real life. I mean the player base and shit speaks for itself in the moba world

Well that's all for my 'life story' haha.