- Joined
- Jul 2, 2013
- Location
- Mideast
In all seriousness, you are not accepted - good luck elsewhere.IGN: Isaacplaysmc2k16
Age/Timezone: 15/CTS
Why do you want to join?: because I'm looking for an active town that pvps a lot
Combat Class and Profession?: Darkmaster / Runesmith
Were you referred to this town/Who referred you?:no one
Do you agree to the rules?:Yes I agree to the rules
Denied for lack of irishness please try again when your blood has extreme contents of alcohol.In all seriousness, you are not accepted - good luck elsewhere.
Give me 5 minutesDenied for lack of irishness please try again when your blood has extreme contents of alcohol.
Although your application is a bit confusing, you are accepted! /msg 911FashionPolice in game to get you startedIGN: PoseidonTSG
Age/Timezone: Central: US
Why do you want to join?: Because, I want a town. ;D
Combat Class and Profession?: Ninja, Miner
Were you referred to this town/Who referred you?: Mining, or Fighting
Do you agree to the rules?: To a certain extent, I like dogs a lot more. ;D
Accepted! Ask @Irishman81 in-game to get you started
Accepted! Ask @911FashionPolice to get you startedIGN: Machine_Hero
Age/Timezone: Central. US
Why do you want to join?: Because PoseidonTSG wants me to, and a safe place to live.
Combat Class and Profession?: Bloodmage, Crafter for now.
Were you referred to this town/Who referred you?: Yes, PoseidonTSG
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
na niggaAccepted! Ask @911FashionPolice to get you started
okna nigga
IGN: BlondeWolf_YTLore
While the main adventurers of Herocraft were creating communities large in scale, there was a completely
isolated group who thought entirely different from the rest of the server. This group
understood the supernatural beings that ran Herocraft: The Multiverse. The clairvoyance attained by this group
eventually led them to all one thing: a town. A town they did build, and quickly, they became the ones that ruined
Herocraft. With a town next to Dwaghdab, they camped poor noobs such as Khalilt who was proud of
their role yet served no purpose in Herocraft.
Dogz $ Catz
Welcome to the official thread for the town of Dogz $ Catz!
Please read all sections before applying.
Also make sure to use the format given for application or you will be denied.
We did not copy and paste this from Oppidum.
Mayor: @911FashionPolice
Second-In-Command: @Pugglez_, @Irishman81
Banker: @Egorh,
Citizens: @peeeeeeeeeew, @peterpunx, @Da_Burg, @Avoir, @bfittipaldi, @xMJay, @Block_O_Water, @ssscrazy, @Galaxial
(1.) Must play Herocraft
(2.) You must be at least a semi-active player
(3.) You must listen to staff in the town
(4.) Participate in PvP
(5.) Do not kill town members
(6.) Pledge your allegiance to Canines and Felines in o chat
Application Format
Why do you want to join?:
Combat Class and Profession?:
Were you referred to this town/Who referred you?:
Do you agree to the rules?:
Accepted! I'll reach you in-gameIGN: BlondeWolf_YT
Age: 15
Timezone: Central(Missouri)
Combat Class: Pladin
Profession: Crafter, at moment but am willing to be what ever.
Do I agree to the rules?: Yes
Giving him the ole reach around i like itAccepted! I'll reach you in-game
Accepted! Msg me in-game for invites.IGN:KoalaDaKill4
Age/Timezone: 14/Cts
Why do you want to join?:I want to join to have fun with friends, canine and felines
Combat Class and Profession?: disceple
Were you referred to this town/Who referred you?: PosidenTSG
Do you agree to the rules?:Yes