- Joined
- Jun 20, 2013
Lunaris is Dead. RIP

Current Members
- grimcen - Owner
- jellybean4 - Owner
- Progin_Overlord - member
- IamCatbugg - member
- MTN__D3W - member
- TheKnightSolaire - member
Spiralz is leaving Lunaris and giving grimcen control. Contact him for any town related inquiries.
We are seeking generally MATURE players who want to just have fun on Herocraft and join a friendly tribe. So if you are an 'older' player (18+) and hoping to avoid early-teen drama and unreliability (no offense kids), apply for Lunaris. Lunaris is in the Southern Continent (PVP side.)
Please only apply if you plan to be regularly active on the server.
- IGN:
- Age (Must be 18+):
- Current/Planned Class/Profession:
- How much experience do you have on Herocraft/Minecraft?:
- How often are you willing to play on the server?:
- Misc. Info:
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