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DDOS attack by CraftLandia.

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Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 20, 2011
Just produced this short film, hope this helps anyone who is bored or lifts any low spirits! Please comment on the Youtube Video on Youtube rather than here to prevent spam of something off topic.


Legacy Supporter 2
May 14, 2011
Have you done everything possible like emailing, putting things on the links etc etc? Because we need to take down this tyrant!
I have two computers, a big pc and a small mac laptop. I use the pc primarily for gaming and the laptop is mostly for school. I never set up my email on my computer due to being so lazy, but I might send some emails later tonight when I actually turn on my laptop.


Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
Quots from the MCF Administrator Criticsquid

Danielle lied... I can confirm that CraftLandia paid me $100,000 to close the thread and it wasn't due to our own policies about witch hunts and sharing personal information, that's just a smokescreen. Now excuse me, I have some illegal substances to procure.

What value do these threads provide? All they do is create tensions and escalate the issue. If a group are illegally attacking your server and you have proof then you should speak with the companies providing the servers being used, or contact local law enforcement.

If you feel that it is necessary to make people aware of the issue then please do it on your own website, please do not use minecraftforum.net to push the issue, that is not what this site is here for. There is absolutely no possible positive outcome from posting such a thread here, especially when it's impossible for us to verify the claims. You're not "protecting" or "enlightening" anyone, you're being a drama llama.

As a side note, it's not just this forum's administration that have a problem with this, Mojang employees have raised concerns too.


Legacy Supporter 6
Dec 31, 2011
So...isn't it true that he can only get his server big with the people who play minecraft IN brazil? I know theres something that lets you onto their site or whatever without being in Brazil but without that they can't get very big right?


Aug 12, 2012
So we all know that Craftlandia uses a modified client version of Minecraft, which is illegal by Mojang itself. But, a modified client doesn't also need a server side modified program? This need to be confirmed, but, if it's true that they are using a modified software server side, does Viasite knows about it? That they could be possibly hosting pirated software?

Viasite is the company that hosts the Craftlandia Minecrafts servers. While in Brazil there aren't many laws about DDoS, there a lot about piracy =)

So, why do not ask Viasite if they are aware of this situation?
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

They will have to give us an answer, and, based on it then we could go to the brazilian regulatory agency and ask then what they think about it =)


Legacy Supporter 6
May 24, 2012
Look people. Mojang, bukkit, mcf none of these people are going to help. If we keep email flooding them we are the ones likely to be shut down.
Let the authorities handle it. If they fail to act then we will be justified in taking action.
Until then lets stay supportive of Kainzo and the team. Send them money if you can and moral support if you cant.
If law and order fails then Im sure between us we can find a way to burn down his whole world.
Now fight smart hold your cool and Stay Hoooah.


Legacy Supporter 6
Dec 31, 2011
This is like advertising who to vote for, they have commercials of their competitor that says everything they do wrong. I still think we should add they lied that "spunkiiez" didn't exist on the server CraftLandia,

In the video it shows spunkiiez is on their server. There is a list of people under each server they have, I am guessing those are the head people of those servers(admins). This video is also pretty recent(Posted Aug 2nd, 2012 on youtube)

There should be someones internationally illegal about invading someones internet and everything like what is being done to Kainzo's home.
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