- In-game name: criminula
- Location & Age: Maidenhead, UK & 13
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None that I have been made aware of.
- Referral(s): Munno
- Reason you should be accepted: I have read the rules and wiki extensively and already have a good idea of what speciality I want to achieve. I'm always a law-abiding Minecrafter and I love building. I've also done some training and have developed quite good PvP skills, and I hope that the RPG plugin used on HeroCraft should give me a whole new set of skills to master.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: My friend Munno found this server and recommended it to me, I hope we will be able to play together and build a town or fortress.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes
- Additional Info: I don't have any screenshots of my Minecraft work because my computer has had a lot of issues recently which led to the hard disk being wiped, but i still consider myself a Minecraft addict. I also play some other computer games, and I recently started play COD. I also enjoy sports and Warhammer 40K.