• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

CreepersAmongUs whitelist app~

Jun 2, 2012
  • In-game name: CreepersAmongUs
  • Location & Age: Texarkana, Texas 14
  • Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None
  • Referral(s): None
  • Have you voted for Herocraft (No? do so here! http://tiny.cc/hc2): Yep
  • How'd you hear about Herocraft? I was just lookin around for a good RPG server
  • Special Key: HCC15
  • Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA and ToS? Yes
  • Reason(s) you should be accepted: I am very fond of rpg styles for games like Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy. I can most likely adapt fast to the enviroment of this server.
  • Additional Info: I play on another server also so I should be on once every 2 days. I am a A-B grade student going to high school at the end of summer. I have 1 dog :p, and want a cat, but my mom doesn't want one(CAT HATER). The main sport I play is golf and I shall faceplam anyone to say that its boring, (fyi ik it is, but it passes time xD). I hope to be a good addition to this server and thank you for taking your time to read this.