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Suggestion Conceptual Class - Melonmancer


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
If you like the idea then please rate the post! If you have concerns, questions or comments please reply below!
"You jest!" "Nothing more then a fools drunken thoughts." "Such a thing is not possible" "Hah, Melons?!" -The final words of those laying dead in the mud, covered in the gooey goodness of what once was a tasty treat - Blind mans failure, Eldrylars

The all new, class... for the Heroes system

What most thought nothing more then a joke or a fools errand has come to pass. The ancient spirit of the Great Melon has returned and brought with it, it's fury to the lands. Those foolish enough to doubt it's strengths or underestimate the Melonmancer's abilities will find that they sowed the seeds of their doom.

Basic Information:
Type: Caster Warrior Hybrid
Focus: Melons
Base Equip Weight: 10.00
Weapon: Melon

Base damage: 5

Per level damage: .46
Max damage: 35

Glistening Melon:
Base damage: 15

Per level damage: .46
Max damage: 45

Base Health: 650
Health Per Lvl: 3.5
Max Health: 877

Base Stamina: 1000

Base Mana: 800
Mana Per Lvl: 2.0
Max Mana: 930

Starting Attributes:
Strength: 5
Constitution: 4
Endurance: -5
Agility: 0
Intellect: 5
Wisdom: -2
Charisma: 3

High Melee Damage.
High Spell Damage.

Minimal protection.
Most attacks are close range.

  • Aura is a new type of persistent effect
  • Auras, unless stated otherwise effect the listed players within a 4 block radius of the caster
  • Auras effect the caster at 50% of the amount listed on the spell
  • Auras once cast remain cast until either disabled by the caster, or the caster changes Auras
  • While enabled, Auras reduce the casters mana regeneration.
  • Auras emanate from the caster every 4 seconds and last on the effected players for 5 seconds before wearing off

Level: 1
HoneyDontAura -

Mana: 100 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 5 Warmup: 0 Reagent:
This aura effects all players within range and gives a damage boost of (1.5 per Charisma point) to the to attacking with a Glistening Melon. Unlike normal auras the caster gains the full benefit from this aura. Reduces casters mana regeneration by (50% - .1 per charisma point)
Lore: The
protective aura of the Great Melon surrounds us and empowers our mighty melons to slice through the hordes of non believers!

Level: 5

Mana: 0 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: Passive Warmup: 0 Reagent: Melon Block
Active Use: Using this ability equips a MelonBlock from their inventory as a helmet. Passive Use: While wearing a Melon Helmet the Melonmancer reduces all incoming damage by (10 + .5 per constitution point) percent
Lore: While wearing my melon I am able to bind my body to that of the Great Melon which protects me from harm.

Level: 10
Melorang -

Mana: 90 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 8 Warmup: 0 Reagent: MelonSlice
You throw a melon slice out in front of you and deal (40 + 1.25 per strength point) damage to first non grouped target.
Lore: In the hands of the unbeliever their floppy sloppy melon is weak, but to a disciple of the Great Melon it is a deadly weapon.

Level: 20

Mana: 200 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 30 Warmup: 0 Reagent: MelonBlock and Sulpher
Caster creates a Melonblock up to (6 + .1 per intellect point) blocks from where he is standing. After 3 seconds the MelonBlock explodes and does AOE damage equal to (200 + 1.5 per intellect point) to all players within 5 blocks.
Lore: Tick-Tock Splat as the Great Melon once said. Give a man a melon and watch him explode.. Teach a man how to find his own melon and you gain a friend in the Great Melon.

Level: 25
GooeyGoodness -

Mana: 125 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 35 Warmup: 0 Reagent: Melon Helmet and 5 slime
For the next (8 + .2 per charisma point) seconds every landed melee attack against the caster will slow the attackers movement speed for 1 second with slowness 3. The caster must have a Melon Helmet worn to use this ability.
Lore: While linked with the Great Melon I am able to channel the gooey goodness to slow those that try to harm me.

Level: 30
GourdGate -

Mana: 500 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 60 Warmup: 10 Reagent: Enderpearl + 4 PumpkinBlocks
Casting the spell creates a 2x2 Pumpkin Platform that when stepped on for 3 seconds teleports the player to spawn. The portal will remain open for 20 seconds after it is created before disappearing. Will not work when combat tagged.
Lore: The Great Melon rejects the pumpkin as a child but seems to find fit to use it as a stand to move his children about the world.

Level: 35
RineAura -

Mana: 100 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 5 Warmup: 0 Reagent: None
Unlike normal auras, the Rine aura only effects the caster. While enabled Rine aura gives the caster (5 + .25 per constitution point) percent damage reduction. Reduces casters mana regeneration by (50% - .1 per charisma point)
Lore: Channeling the Great Melons powers I find I am able to grow my rine thick like that of the Great Melon providing myself with enhanced protection!

Level: 40
SlipperyWhenWet -

Mana: 150 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 45 Warmup: 1 Reagent: Slimeball
Target is slowed with slowness 2 for (2 + .15 per intellect point) seconds.
Lore: The Great Melon's powers are beyond the imagination of any mortal. It is always a sight to see his work of coating the feet of my foes with melon juice!

Level: 45
SeedsofDoom –

Mana: 300 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 25 Warmup: 3 Reagent: None
You summon a storm of deadly Melon Seeds to rain down from the sky at your target location within (10 + 0.225 per intellect point) blocks, You shower (200 + 3.125 per intellect point) melon Seeds in a 4 block radius of your target, each of which deals (30 + 0.875 per intellect point) damage and has a small knockback.
Lore: Few times in many man's lives have they ever witnesses a melon storm and lived to talk about it.

Level: 50
NonBeliever -

Mana: 200 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 25 Warmup: 0 Reagent: None
All non grouped players within a 4 block radius of the caster are blinded for (2 + .1 per charisma point) seconds.
Lore: Only those true believers in the Great Melon can stand his intense gave without loosing themselves!

Level: 55
Flacidity -

Mana: 150 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 60 Warmup: 0 Reagent:
Your target within 5 blocks has their weapon damage reduced by (30 + .66 per strength point) while the caster gains a (10+ .33 per strength point) bonus to melee attacks with all melons for 5 seconds.
Lore: The Great Melon laughs at your Steel and Diamond cave man tools and shows you how weak they really are by making them soft and limp while strengthening your own mighty melon!

Level: 60
Melonified -
Mana: 250 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 35 Warmup: 1.5 Reagent: None

Description: Your target is contained inside a 3x3 melon for (2 + .12 per Intellect point) seconds. While inside the melon the player will suffer (10 + .1 per point) damage per second but be invulnerable to other forms of damage.
Lore: Those who challenge the Great Melon will often times find themselves engulfed by it's great power!

Level: 65
Popeya –

Mana: 150 Stamina: 0 Cooldown: 45 Warmup: 1 Reagent: None
Caster gains an additional (5 + .25 per strength point) melee damage and (2 + .25 per constitution point) movement for 30 seconds.
Lore: This Melonarific treat infuses your body with a great strength. The Great Melon shines on those who partake in it's melon-ey goodness.
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Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
This! This is what shall awaken HC from it's era of DARKNESS to a new Age of Melon!


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 10, 2012
I don't agree with a couple skills, mainly OneWithTheMelon and RineAura. This is for a few reasons; One is that it was stated(by yourself, Eldry) they would have Minimal Protection. With both of those it is no longer minimal which leads to my second reason. If focusing points into Consitution and Endurance they would gain a significant amount of damage reduction. At 30 Constitution they would have an extra 25% damage reduction from OneWithTheMelon and another 12.25% from RineAura for a total of 37.25% from those skills alone, with armor it would become silly.

My last real problem is that I see the entire class as essentially a Retribution version of Paladin and if that was what you were aiming for, why not just reconstruct Paladin? It needs some love.

Edit: I typed 32.35% instead of 37.25%. Oops. I also forgot to mention that even Paladin doesn't get that kind of Constant damage reduction from skills.
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Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
Pretty cool conceptual class! As any class the skills will probably need a little tweaking but so far liking it!

and I'm already a Melonmancer :p


Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 17, 2012
your claim that the class is squishy was determined to be a lie from all the damage resistance spells. also the charisma scaling seems... a little much... esp the first skill, 10 charisma: 15 extra damage with only reduced mana regen, also in AoE for other meloners.


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
What I would remind everyone is that this is a Class Suggestion, not a balance suggestion! These are suggested skill sets for a proposed class, and if the class was ever actually being coded all exacting number that are being quoted would be irrelevant and replaced by tested and balanced numbers before launch. I must suggest that people STOP worrying about numbers and START worrying about function and design if you want to participate in a fun and creative discussion!

I don't agree with a couple skills, mainly OneWithTheMelon and RineAura. This is for a few reasons; One is that it was stated(by yourself, Eldry) they would have Minimal Protection. With both of those it is no longer minimal which leads to my second reason. If focusing points into Consitution and Endurance they would gain a significant amount of damage reduction. At 30 Constitution they would have an extra 25% damage reduction from OneWithTheMelon and another 12.25% from RineAura for a total of 37.25% from those skills alone, with armor it would become silly.

My last real problem is that I see the entire class as essentially a Retribution version of Paladin and if that was what you were aiming for, why not just reconstruct Paladin? It needs some love.

Edit: I typed 32.35% instead of 37.25%. Oops. I also forgot to mention that even Paladin doesn't get that kind of Constant damage reduction from skills.

your claim that the class is squishy was determined to be a lie from all the damage resistance spells. also the charisma scaling seems... a little much... esp the first skill, 10 charisma: 15 extra damage with only reduced mana regen, also in AoE for other meloners.

Fortunately/Unfortunately you both failed your quiz, for shame!

First and simple'est!
also in AoE for other meloners.
This means nothing! Sure, other players with Glistening Melons could get your buff if they are standing right next to you for the 5 seconds aura, but how many classes are really going to run into battle using a Glistening Melon over their normal weapon? I will tell you, the ones who are joking and playing around!

Now for something a little more tricky to explain, but I think I can do it!
your claim that the class is squishy was determined to be a lie from all the damage resistance spells
I don't agree with a couple skills, mainly OneWithTheMelon and RineAura... One is that it was stated(by yourself, Eldry) they would have Minimal Protection. With both of those it is no longer minimal... for a total of 37.25%

Sooo, Rine being a aura cancels any other auras used by the caster. This means that you would have to turn off your honeydont aura to use it, which would half your damage in place of 12.7% damage reduction! The idea is you sacrifice a lot for a little, which makes it situational!

and Endurance they would gain a significant amount of damage reduction
I am not sure if you missed it, but a large part of the design is that you will not get armor with this class. Your endurance starts at -5 and you have a starting equipment rate of 10 which means you start with 6.25 Endurance. That's half the starting endurance of the weakest class(Disciple) mean that if you put 25 points into endurance you could wear 1 leather chest piece, and no one in their right mind would wast 25 points in endurance in a MAD(Multiple Attribute Distribution) class, it would just be wasteful.

So then we are down to One + Con or One + Con + Rine - 50% melee damage.
  • One + Con(30) = 31% damage reduction to spells and 25% to melee
  • One + Con(30) + Rine(30) = 43.5% reduction to spells and 37.5% reduction to melee with a 50% penalty to you own melee.
Remember now that putting in 30 Con to a Melee/Caster Hybrid is going to diminish your damage in some other way. So 30 Con will be at either a loss in melee, cc, or spells.

Comparing to a Paladin that get 60%++ reduction from armor + 20% reduction from a shield + heals is not going to win you anything as you are comparing totally different classes. Even at Pallys worst and Melon at its best, Pally will have twice the melee damage reduction.

I disagree that this is anything like Paladin and try to change Paladin to something so drastically different would just remove one perfectly good class, as Paladin is fun to play and rewarding as is.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 10, 2012
Unfortunately for you it is the numbers I find fun. And while you may have made a valid point when it comes to melee damage reduction, spells(which are skills in general unless that's been changed, and if it has then a good part of argument is moot) will be reduced significantly in damage with those Concept skills. They also have a couple of decent Concept AoE nuke skills along with that. On top of potentially powerful melee as it stands. While it might not have heals like Paladin, which you are right -- it isn't, damage mitigation is by far more significant since you don't have to take the time or mana to heal yourself when you could be doing other things.


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
Unfortunately for you it is the numbers I find fun. And while you may have made a valid point when it comes to melee damage reduction, spells(which are skills in general unless that's been changed, and if it has then a good part of argument is moot) will be reduced significantly in damage with those Concept skills. They also have a couple of decent Concept AoE nuke skills along with that. On top of potentially powerful melee as it stands. While it might not have heals like Paladin, which you are right -- it isn't, damage mitigation is by far more significant since you don't have to take the time or mana to heal yourself when you could be doing other things.

I can respect that you are a numbers kind of guy, so if you want to have fun with the class discussion in your own way, then please feel free chat it up about the numbers the feel would help balance the different skills.
I would urge you to look at the big picture though.
All the damage skills are close range, as far as stats go at best you are going to get two stats to 30 and another at 20 and a third at 15 ish. So as the class stands right now they will have medium damage mitigation and good hp and melee and weak spells and cc or any combination of the two with a third in the medium area. TTS hits everyone including allies, and Seeds, well it's just awesome... ;)


Dec 3, 2012
An interesting idea! It needs a little fine-tuning, but on first read looks workable.

It is a very versatile class, however, and might need a class-themed "debuff" to balance out.

What if the Melonmancer had a limited dietary intake? As in, the only food item that helps them regenerate health is melon slices?


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
An interesting idea! It needs a little fine-tuning, but on first read looks workable.

It is a very versatile class, however, and might need a class-themed "debuff" to balance out.

What if the Melonmancer had a limited dietary intake? As in, the only food item that helps them regenerate health is melon slices?

I considered a another goofy skill that applied a random buff/debuff when you ate anything but melon. Next wrote it out though :confused:


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 10, 2012
I can respect that you are a numbers kind of guy, so if you want to have fun with the class discussion in your own way, then please feel free chat it up about the numbers the feel would help balance the different skills.
I would urge you to look at the big picture though.
All the damage skills are close range, as far as stats go at best you are going to get two stats to 30 and another at 20 and a third at 15 ish. So as the class stands right now they will have medium damage mitigation and good hp and melee and weak spells and cc or any combination of the two with a third in the medium area. TTS hits everyone including allies, and Seeds, well it's just awesome... ;)
I see that the damage skills are close range, but as Melonmancer is being portrayed as a Melee/Caster hybrid I see that actually fitting the concept well. When it comes to how the skill TTS would function(hitting allies[This should include yourself since you are your own ally but it should still be reduced by Rine and OneWithMelon, it is a skill after all]) it could still be very effective as an nuke when used tactfully, it would just need that extra planning. I will agree though that Seeds is awesome.

As for the Attributes it should be much less of an issue, I can see a build where it focuses more on damage mitigation and Then melee, using unimproved TTS and Seeds purely for the AoE damage when entering a fight or even the numbers. With NonBeliever Ithey should be able to get away with it too since Blindness causes them to not be able to be hit by targeted skills(this assuming they can backup/get support and everyone they are fighting got hit).

Edit: I need to learn to finish what I'm saying before I click Post Reply. And fix my errors.
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