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[City][RoV] Mineris [96][Evil]

Mar 24, 2012
1. In Game Name: KSUspartan
2. Class: Currently Warrior, Crafter planning on being DeathKnigh, Alchemist.
3. Previous Towns: Riften
4. People you know in the town:None
5. Why you should be Accepted: I like to gather resources which is something that you don't find in most players. I love mining and can make a very good stripmine. I'm also good at PVP and love to generally have a good time.
6. What makes you special: I can play a lot, from 5-10 most weekdays and all day on weekends. As stated above I also love to mine and PVP.
7. Additional Information: I used to be a griefer but stopped all that about a year ago now. I have matured past that and do realize that most towns are weary about griefers. I will not grief the town at all I plan on helping build this town up a lot and will not harm it at all. I would love it if you guys would take a chance on me. As further prove that I have stopped griefing I've been a member of this server since that griefing phase ended and if I hadn't honestly stopped I would have been banned by now. I hope that you guys will allow me to join and cannot wait to play with you all if you do accept me.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jul 5, 2011
Ksuspartan, why would you tell me you used to be a griefer, that is the stupidest thing ive ever seen on an application. But ill give you once chance to prove yourself, Welcome to Mineris Alonelygopher and KSUspartan
Mar 24, 2012
Ksuspartan, why would you tell me you used to be a griefer, that is the stupidest thing ive ever seen on an application. But ill give you once chance to prove yourself, Welcome to Mineris Alonelygopher and KSUspartan
Haha well most towns do backround checks and consider it dishonest if you don't list it in your application. Thanks for the grin and for adding me to the town logging on now.


Feb 14, 2013
1. In Game Name: KingWall
2. Class: Rogue breaking off into Ranger
3. Previous Towns: None
4. People you know in the town: KSUspartan
5. Why you should be Accepted: I am a hardcore PvPer who loves raiding and wants to go do cooperative PvP with some pro's
6. What makes you special: I'm Fantastic with a bow and great with a sword and am used to the abilities setup
7. Additional Information: I have no previous bans and am looking for a good time
Feb 15, 2013
1. In Game Name:laxconnor12
2. Class:healer...Going BloodMage
3. Previous Towns:None
4. People you know in the town:KSUspartan & Kingwall
5. Why you should be Accepted:I think this should be accepted because it's always fun to have new people and if you are on a server might as well be with your friends.
6. What makes you special: HardCore PVPer willing and wanting to build this village for the groud up!
7. Additional Information: 14(age) Skype comms Etc ask me if needed BTW my name is Connor


Dec 21, 2012
1. In Game Name: Radoyz
2. Class: Samurai
3. Previous Towns: Eclipse , Rangpur i dont remember the others
4. People you know in the town: I know several people per names but not personal
5. Why you should be Accepted: Im friendly , im cooperative , wont grief , i am usefull etc
6. What makes you special: Im a good builder (look at old eclipse)
7. Additional Information: Im a active player with alot of experience ( i played since last map) and a funcional micro with ts


Legacy Supporter 7
Jul 5, 2011
Radoyz, I really dont need to know Potato, please provide more information in number 5 and 6, being a cleric is not special. If you play on this server you dont grief, its not something I already know, and "etc"? I dont know anything about you besides the things you have written in your application.
Jan 20, 2013
1. In Game Name: crazyguylol542
2. Class: rogue lvl 10
3. Previous Towns: Oakenshire
4. People you know in the town: no one
5. Why you should be Accepted: Because I am a avid player that wants to fight for you!
6. What makes you special: I have warlord warned legit in rbgs (warcraft pvp)
7. Additional Information: I got every type of communications possible. Very vocal got mic


Legacy Supporter 7
Jul 5, 2011
The mic was a great thing to put in the Additional information, Welcome to Mineris!


Feb 16, 2013
1. In Game Name: Inky969
2. Class: Healer
3. Previous Towns: None
4. People you know in the town: Jmanlee2
5. Why you should be Accepted: I feel like I can bring aid to your nation.
6. What makes you special: My wit and overly rambunctious personality :3
7. Additional Information: Jmanlee spared my life and promised to stop tracking me as long as I applied.


Feb 17, 2013
1. In Game Name:Eric_515
2. Class:Warrior , Going to become Paladin or dragoon
3. Previous Towns: Well I haven't join none town because I just play some days
4. People you know in the town: I don't know nobody in the town :(
5. Why you should be Accepted: I am soccial, Try to be so uppdate so much I can, Always help the town if they need help with kinda donateson or helping people, and I am kinda a revenge guy I always write down the namn if somebody kill me and I will hunt him down to I get my revenge :mad:
6. What makes you special: Well I am not a special person, all I am special about is mining, Building is the only thing I am special about. And plus nobody can become that special guy everybody like :rolleyes:
7. Additional Information: I got Dyslexia I hopp that is okey?
Feb 8, 2013
1. In Game Name: XxSoulxDemonxX
2. Class: Level 18 Healer, 12 Ctafter, going on to Bloodmage, and not sure about profession.
3. Previous Towns: I'm a noob :D This is going to be my first town
4. People you know in the town: Pshh....who needs friends... ;( heh..not me...
5. Why you should be Accepted: I'm awesome :D nawh jk I like being friendly and helpful and honestly I do sometimes get irritated when people act dumb O:
6. What makes you special: Isn't everyone special in their own way? :D
7. Additional Information: I like to move it move it..I like to move it move it....I like to...errr.....play? Lol I also have a mic :O


Jan 17, 2013
In Game Name: Bloxncubes
Class: Samurai (54) Miner (48)
Previous Towns: Underworld (current town)
People you know in the town: I don't really "know" anyone perse
Why you should be Accepted: I'm a very active player, and enjoy working together with people to build/raid stuff
What makes you special:I bring 3 other players with me, we can work as a 4-person unit to suit the needs of whatever town we're in
Additional Information: The other 3 people are: Maximmundo, Pickaxegrams, and Jesseron. ( will have them fill out an app as well)