What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Vendayan
How long have you played HC? 2-3 weeks
How old are you? 30
Why do you want to join Malkier? A closer community of people I would seem to get along with. I love to be competitive, but I hate people who can't maturely handle a loss or take a good joke.
As a side note however, if you've read some of the other (boring as all hell) town concepts, you wouldn't have bothered asking. Not that Malkier is a "last resort" by any means. The other concepts simply offer nothing that distracts my attention elsewhere.
Other Towns you were part of? None
What class are you? Caster
Future spec plans (class and profession)? Necro perhaps. I haven't investigated into professions much yet. I'm open for suggestions.
How often are you active in game? 10-15 hrs / wk.
Are you ok with paying a tax requirement each week (Due MONDAYS)? Not really. You will definitely be forced to hear me grumble, sigh, moan, complain, throw insults and/or post protest signs about the region every single week. But damn it I'll pay anyway...
Do you have TeamSpeak and a Microphone? Yes and yes
Have you read our rules? Uh... Yeah. Yep. You know - more or less.
How do you donate to the town? Crap, you meant ALL the rules didn't you? First time I ever got quizzed on the old "Terms and Conditions". Hang on. Give me a second then...
Ok, says here I can give them to a council member. Seems easy enough.
Name 2 donation rewards. No taxes and no taxes. I like it!

(It's a joke of course. I have definitely read the rules and understand everything clearly so long as it's up-to-date.)