Legacy Supporter 6
- Joined
- Feb 11, 2013
Well I had more in store apart from the Naturalist. Figured why not post it, can't hurt to make suggestions and It was fun imagining how these classes would play and bring a new front to pvp.
Once again I'm always looking forward to the feedback. This is a suggestion, purely nothing more.
Other Class Suggestions:
This current class could use a rename, couldn't think of anything.
Feel that cold breeze rolling in? Its not just some breeze! Chill-wind is an excellent gap closer for fights, always putting themselves neck to neck with the enemy without escape. However, don't get cocky, snow breaks and ice melts really fast. Not only is a Chill-wind great gap closer on they're own, they can also help his group do the same!
Bow 60
Snow 26-64
Ice 50-77
Wood Spade 24-38
Stone Spade 36-53
Iron Spade 59-78
Diamond Spade 64-88
Gold Spade 69-98
Base HP600
+HP/Level 5
Max HP 895
Base MP100
+MP/level 1.4
Max MP182
Regen 7
Chain mail (Boots)
1: Potion
You can drink Potions
1: Sneak (8 Stam, 3sec CD)
You go into a sneaking state for 8 minutes, which holds if you attack but is cancelled if you are attacked or otherwise damaged.
1: Kick (5 Stam, 7sec CD)
You deal 67 damage to your target (within 3 blocks) and silence your target for 2.5 seconds such that they are unable to use skills.
10: Icy Grasp (15 MP, 4 stam, 17sec CD)
For the next 3 seconds your attacks inflict 40 extra damage and slow the enemies movement and attack speeds by 65% for 1 second
15: Snow Falls (20MP, 8 stam, 25sec CD)
You turn all blocks within a 10 block radius into snow for 10 seconds.
20: Icy Veins (Passive)
While on snow you gain a bonus of 15% weapon damage increase.
30: Ice Breath (10 MP, 5stam, 7sec CD)
You breath out an icy chill that leaves the target in a state of hypothermia, deals 19 damage to your target every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
40: Water to Ice (25 MP, 6 stam, 45sec CD)
For 5 seconds any water you walk on you turn to ice.
50: Frozen Blades (40 MP, 5min CD)
You apply a frozen chill to your groups weapons for 3 seconds, allowing them to slow enemies movement speeds by 15% for .5 seconds on hit.
55: Blizzard (30 MP, 2min CD)
You summon a blizzard in a 10 block radius for 20 seconds, while in the blizzard enemies will suffer 2 damage every 2 seconds and slow enemies movement speeds by 5% for .5 seconds, you will also heal for the amount of damage done.
60: Pillars of Ice (25 MP, 8 stam, 1.5min CD)
You root all enemies in a sheet of ice for 2seconds in a 5 block radius. .5 second warmup.
Once again I'm always looking forward to the feedback. This is a suggestion, purely nothing more.
Other Class Suggestions:
This current class could use a rename, couldn't think of anything.

Role: Damage, CC, Support.Feel that cold breeze rolling in? Its not just some breeze! Chill-wind is an excellent gap closer for fights, always putting themselves neck to neck with the enemy without escape. However, don't get cocky, snow breaks and ice melts really fast. Not only is a Chill-wind great gap closer on they're own, they can also help his group do the same!
Bow 60
Snow 26-64
Ice 50-77
Wood Spade 24-38
Stone Spade 36-53
Iron Spade 59-78
Diamond Spade 64-88
Gold Spade 69-98
Base HP600
+HP/Level 5
Max HP 895
Base MP100
+MP/level 1.4
Max MP182
Regen 7
Chain mail (Boots)
1: Potion
You can drink Potions
1: Sneak (8 Stam, 3sec CD)
You go into a sneaking state for 8 minutes, which holds if you attack but is cancelled if you are attacked or otherwise damaged.
1: Kick (5 Stam, 7sec CD)
You deal 67 damage to your target (within 3 blocks) and silence your target for 2.5 seconds such that they are unable to use skills.
10: Icy Grasp (15 MP, 4 stam, 17sec CD)
For the next 3 seconds your attacks inflict 40 extra damage and slow the enemies movement and attack speeds by 65% for 1 second
15: Snow Falls (20MP, 8 stam, 25sec CD)
You turn all blocks within a 10 block radius into snow for 10 seconds.
20: Icy Veins (Passive)
While on snow you gain a bonus of 15% weapon damage increase.
30: Ice Breath (10 MP, 5stam, 7sec CD)
You breath out an icy chill that leaves the target in a state of hypothermia, deals 19 damage to your target every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
40: Water to Ice (25 MP, 6 stam, 45sec CD)
For 5 seconds any water you walk on you turn to ice.
50: Frozen Blades (40 MP, 5min CD)
You apply a frozen chill to your groups weapons for 3 seconds, allowing them to slow enemies movement speeds by 15% for .5 seconds on hit.
55: Blizzard (30 MP, 2min CD)
You summon a blizzard in a 10 block radius for 20 seconds, while in the blizzard enemies will suffer 2 damage every 2 seconds and slow enemies movement speeds by 5% for .5 seconds, you will also heal for the amount of damage done.
60: Pillars of Ice (25 MP, 8 stam, 1.5min CD)
You root all enemies in a sheet of ice for 2seconds in a 5 block radius. .5 second warmup.