1. Minecraft IGN: Chaze007
2. Position applying for: Website Designer
3. Age: 17
4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of the United States): UTC -6:00
5. Previous work (please include links if possible!): -UPDATING-
6. What are your areas of expertise?: 2D Design, 3D Design, Music, just about anything.
7. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I've been doing art and music design and creation since I was 11, if you google my username 'Chaze007' you'll see a lot of my work, and learn about my progress. I've worked on forums as admins, mods, artists etc. I've recently gotten into 3D as of last year, and have gotten serious about making music about 3 years ago. I'm also a free-lance videogame designer, with no completed titles, but many projects. Generally, I'm constantly on the IRC for more information. I withdrew from Highschool last year, have since then gotten my GED and am attending PRCC. I have no classes after 12:00 PM except on Tuesdays, where I have a night class from 6:00 to 9:00. I will be updating this, but for those reading, well, they know what I can do