In Game Name(IGN): wise975guy
Age(must be 15+): 15
Minecraft Exp: Spent the past couple of years playing Minecraft, and know the in's and out's. Mostly play on the FeedTheBeast mod-pack, but love playing Vanilla mini-games and the like. I mostly play Minecraft for building, not so much for PVP.
Herocraft Exp: I joined Herocraft sometime last year I think (Don't quote me on that), played for around three months, then left for FTB. I know the basics, but don't expect me to know details.
Spec or intended spec: Currently just a Lost Soul, but I intend to become a Rogue, and from there a Rune-blade.
Current level: 1
What do you like to do? (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.): Build strategic buildings and then defend them. I've always loved planning and playing defensively. Other than that, the roleplay value. It's always been my hobby.
What strengths do you bring to the town?: I can bring strategic planning and building to the town. I'm also a bundle of laughs' at times

Past Cities/Towns (if applicable): Before I left, I was playing with a town called Newerth. Not sure if they did well when I left, but that's that.
Have you ever been removed forcibly from a town, why?: Nope.
Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen?: I fully understand the reasons of dancing and eating jam. Oh, and I respect the other rules too.
Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights?: I am fully prepared to pledge to protect my Brothers-In-Arms, and to the defence of the Great City of Camelot.
Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code?: I can understand and fully recognize the Knights Code, and will uphold them.
Do you have a mic/headset? Teamspeak?: I do have a microphone, and do have Teamspeak.