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Calling all 2D and 3D artists! Video editors too![The Lore Project]


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
Hello again everyone, Stronghold here!

I am in need of artwork, that’s right artwork! Be you an 2D stencil artist ( @Shenorai )or some high tech 3D designer super god ( @Amgroma ), I have need of your skills! It’s no secret that I will be releasing a second Fan Fiction once the first (click my sig) is done.

However, I want to do something more than just write it. I want you to be able to see it!

Stronghold, do you mean a movie!

Fuck no, are you mad?! It’s a trailer!
In cooperation with Herocraft Administration and myself you will help design 3D or 2D artwork that will be mashed together into a film which (hopefully) will be compiled by HC video designers and released here on the Herocraft forums (and youtube).

If you feel that you're up to the task, please let me know. Provide examples of your work so I can best determine who is the most capable for the job. I'm looking for quality here, so do your best. Convo me with any questions and good luck!


Request sticky from @Kainzo
also would like a link to this in the artwork subsection too


Legacy Supporter 5
Aug 17, 2011
I don't have many examples, most of them got corrupted (a common occurence with flash). However, I will post a work in progress in a few hours.


Aug 23, 2011
I'd gladly lend my skills to the project! I have some good experience with video editing, spriting (8-bit graphics & such), and Photoshop.

you can see a pretty good example of my recording & editing skills from this Video I made for Lorien:

I have a lot of my spriting work up on my photobucket page Here.

And most of my photoshop work was lost in a computer crash a few months ago but there may be some left on my photobucket page :/

I hope my skills are adequate,
I look forwards to helping out!


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 10, 2011
I don't have a lot of experience in 3D designing (I have experimented with Blender and VUE for a bit... If you want I'll go and look through my HDD and perhaps I'll find a few animations.). I could do a trailer or something though :p

But if you want me on the team, I'm totally up for it :)



Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
I don't have a lot of experience in 3D designing (I have experimented with Blender and VUE for a bit... If you want I'll go and look through my HDD and perhaps I'll find a few animations.). I could do a trailer or something though :p

But if you want me on the team, I'm totally up for it :)

Send me an example, I'm sure you'll do fine


Legacy Supporter 9
Jan 14, 2011
Beverly Hills, CA
I'd love to help, if only you decided on doing this two months ago, I got a job working for a media firm a few weeks back, and I'm being bombarded with other design work at the moment. You could send me your idea and if I find time I can look at it, but I cant guarantee anything at all.


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
I'd love to help, if only you decided on doing this two months ago, I got a job working for a media firm a few weeks back, and I'm being bombarded with other design work at the moment. You could send me your idea and if I find time I can look at it, but I cant guarantee anything at all.
I understand, I'll put together a conversation tonight (meant to do that a while ago). If you're busy that's fine. You're the best I know, so even any pointers you can give would be badass!


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
Sorry guys, I'll get to that conversation eventually. I have been VERY busy in HC and out. Its on the list


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 5, 2011
I'm slowly learning After Effects. Sorry I am no use as of now but once I improve a bit I will help if you need me.


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
Bump, this is still on my list of things to do. School has taken over my life 95% and homewrok the other 5%

Sorry to keep you waiting


Legacy Supporter 5
Aug 17, 2011
Is there anything we can start on? Animations (for me) take a while so giving me a setting so I can do backgrounds or something like that would help out a lot.