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Suggestion Bundle of Suggestions


Legacy Supporter 7
May 15, 2014
New York City
Had a lot of suggestions, decided to combine em all into one post.

New Player PVP immunity.
- Been a few times this week new players accidentally attacked someone and ended up dying, and leaving. Adding this pvp immunity will help newer players ease into the server.

Murasame on mobs
- Maybe for pvp the ability is a bit too strong. But samurai struggles to fight dungeon mobs efficiently without a healer, and doesn't deal enough damage to not need one. Either a heal or more aoe damage would balance out samurais ability to farm mobs in dungeons.

Tutorial choice
- It has come to my attention that new players still decide to run past the tutorial, and continue to ask "What do i do" and then ending up leaving. originally I thought a nice interactive tutorial would fix this issue, and after Kainzo and his team dished out a great tutorial, I thought our problems were solved. Unfortunately though they weren't, so I began to think of what could be missing, why were players still skipping the tutorial? I finally came to the conclusion that maybe not everyone learns the same way. Perhaps players have different ways of learning. So i thought maybe the players could have a choice of what type of tutorial they want. They could choose interactive, specific, or general. Human analysis studies proved that people tend to prefer to pay attention to their own choices more than anything else, so perhaps this could come into play here. If players choose the tutorial they want, they would be inclined to read through it, just a thought.

Ranger low power shots
- Now I personally think half the things people complain about when it comes to ranger is bs. But when the class performs better with a bow at melee range than a melee class, something is a bit off. Low power shots on the ranger should be toned down to better fit the actual damage it should deal at that range.

Party immunity
- I've seen this happen a few times, a player joins a party to xp farm at a t6 dungeon while conflicts on. They farm for a bit and out of nowhere the dude gets kicked and killed and gets all his/her loot taken. I think after getting kicked or leaving a party you should definitely gain some pvp immunity to prevent this scandalous act.

Mob Arena/Tower
- I think a progressing mob arena/tower would be a great addition to the server. The arena or tower could grant rewards based on performance and would add just another thing for players to spend time on.

New players
- Every day I think about what we need to grant new players to give them that wanting to stay, to learn and to explore the server. Most of the time I think that those things just come by default. And a lot of times people like to think its dependent on the player, if they don't like it/cant handle it, they should leave. I think differently about that whole scenario, I think we should try our best to welcome newer players and try to captivate their interest getting them to want to stay. There are countless ways to make a newer players experience on the server better, but a lot of these things are tough to implement as it would ruin the "fun" of older or experienced players. I believe the fact that older or experienced players must spend their time to bully out newer players signals the lack of things to do at the higher tier. How to solve this? well, I really don't know.

There's my bundle of suggestions thanks for reading! If you have any add ons or your own suggestions lemme know.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Had a lot of suggestions, decided to combine em all into one post.

New Player PVP immunity.
- Been a few times this week new players accidentally attacked someone and ended up dying, and leaving. Adding this pvp immunity will help newer players ease into the server.

Murasame on mobs
- Maybe for pvp the ability is a bit too strong. But samurai struggles to fight dungeon mobs efficiently without a healer, and doesn't deal enough damage to not need one. Either a heal or more aoe damage would balance out samurais ability to farm mobs in dungeons.

Tutorial choice
- It has come to my attention that new players still decide to run past the tutorial, and continue to ask "What do i do" and then ending up leaving. originally I thought a nice interactive tutorial would fix this issue, and after Kainzo and his team dished out a great tutorial, I thought our problems were solved. Unfortunately though they weren't, so I began to think of what could be missing, why were players still skipping the tutorial? I finally came to the conclusion that maybe not everyone learns the same way. Perhaps players have different ways of learning. So i thought maybe the players could have a choice of what type of tutorial they want. They could choose interactive, specific, or general. Human analysis studies proved that people tend to prefer to pay attention to their own choices more than anything else, so perhaps this could come into play here. If players choose the tutorial they want, they would be inclined to read through it, just a thought.

Ranger low power shots
- Now I personally think half the things people complain about when it comes to ranger is bs. But when the class performs better with a bow at melee range than a melee class, something is a bit off. Low power shots on the ranger should be toned down to better fit the actual damage it should deal at that range.

Party immunity
- I've seen this happen a few times, a player joins a party to xp farm at a t6 dungeon while conflicts on. They farm for a bit and out of nowhere the dude gets kicked and killed and gets all his/her loot taken. I think after getting kicked or leaving a party you should definitely gain some pvp immunity to prevent this scandalous act.

Mob Arena/Tower
- I think a progressing mob arena/tower would be a great addition to the server. The arena or tower could grant rewards based on performance and would add just another thing for players to spend time on.

New players
- Every day I think about what we need to grant new players to give them that wanting to stay, to learn and to explore the server. Most of the time I think that those things just come by default. And a lot of times people like to think its dependent on the player, if they don't like it/cant handle it, they should leave. I think differently about that whole scenario, I think we should try our best to welcome newer players and try to captivate their interest getting them to want to stay. There are countless ways to make a newer players experience on the server better, but a lot of these things are tough to implement as it would ruin the "fun" of older or experienced players. I believe the fact that older or experienced players must spend their time to bully out newer players signals the lack of things to do at the higher tier. How to solve this? well, I really don't know.

There's my bundle of suggestions thanks for reading! If you have any add ons or your own suggestions lemme know.

We need the community (or a few people) to come together to draw up a great choice based tutorial. Its very difficult to get players interested and our system isnt easy to learn or adopt.

I like a lot of these, but there also very open ended and unspecific to a point. The velocity damage of the ranger hasnt been intentional changed, we may need to remove TitansGrip altogether to see if thats the cause of anything.


Dec 4, 2014
Houston, TX
Loving the suggestions, I try to give out information to the newbies to try to make them stay, however I am usually the only trying to help them XD