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BulletDawg's Wrongful Ban.


Apr 6, 2012
IGN: BulletDawg
Banned by?: Thunderjolt
Time of ban: Roughly 5:10 AM Atlantic Time
Reason for ban: "Exploiting and griefing"
Your story: I pushed DRACONIS99 off of his house and was banned. The reason was exploiting and griefing and I honestly don't understand how this is exploiting. If someone could enlighten me I will applaud your efforts. I think this is silly as I wasn't even asked or told I was being banned until immediately prior to the ban. I was not told what I did wrong or anything of the sort. I am not trying to be a smart-ass; This I swear.

Edit # 1:
Harrassment? What? I was trying to kill Draconis. PVP is not harassment.
Griefing: I honestly didn't know killing people was considered griefing.
Like, what? How was I griefing? Draconis was in a regioned area.
Exploiting: Which exploit did I use? Spoiler: I didn't. There was an exposed chest in his ceiling I could enter. I didn't break any blocks or use "block lag" as the mod called it. It was freely openable from the floor beneath.

Edit # 2:
Okay, let me retort.

1. Griefing - You repeatedly spammed redstone devices within Draconis99's home for over 10 minutes straight with the intent to ruin his redstone contraptions.

It's a regioned area, That isn't possible.

2. Exploitation - You were seen by me exploiting block lag to get into chests in his home.

Please provide evidence of this. I did not do this. That is an outright lie. Block lag is not possible. I could also claim I saw you exploiting. Personal opinion isn't enough.

3. Harassment - I followed you from the moment you recalled after being trapped. You walked from your home, all the way to his, to repeat above actions, along with calling him a dumbass.

I have seen much worse on the server. Shall we ban everyone who sends a /tell to anyone who dies in PvP because they aren't enough of a big boy to handle big boy words?

This is really getting aggravating. It's a shame I have to serve a wrongful sentence; And I probably will as it takes forever to settle this, especially when the problem is internal.

Edit # 4:

1. You were using a pressure plate, region access has no bearing here, it was possible to spam his circuit.

Circuits cannot be broken unless they were predestined to due to poor construction.

2. Block lag is absolutely possible, I saw you stealing from chests above you by exploiting block lag on a piston.

The chest an be accessed by right clicking. I cannot forcibly move a piston through a floor.

3. In what way is your sentence related to PvP? You were banned for the reason's I listed above. You are right, it is a shame that your lack of maturity led to this ban, and it is a shame that I have to waste my time to defend myself.

Re-read the sentence.

The screenshots prove nothing. Yes, I stood on his pressure plate. I'll make sure to report anyone who presses any buttons in my house in the future. Yes, I called Draconis99 A "dumpass". This breaks no rules. On what grounds was I banned? Because Draconis99 has given the server 6k USD and whatever he wants, he gets. But that's just the opinion of a few.

Edit # 5:

Here is about as much proof as you linked.
This is for comparison only.

Edit # 6:
This is how proper evidence is linked.
I was banned for this:
Anyways, is this how block lag is done?
Please tell me which rule I broke.
You are blatantly lying through your teeth to save your own ass. Block lag doesn't exist.

Your move.

Edit # 7:
Okay then. If anyone calls me more than a dum dum hed I'll make sure to get them banned for a week.
What griefing did I do? Please would you tell me?
No more avoiding this question.
"2. Exploitation - You were seen by me exploiting block lag to get into chests in his home." You have JUST finished saying you watched me do this, you're lying and trying to keep me banned so you do not look like you are in the wrong. I see this as something a mod should never do. Can we please have a higher ranking member view this. "I can see that you did not exploit into that chest, and apologize for thinking that you had done so."

I didn't grief.
The harassment was me calling him a "DUMPASS".
Draconis99 is an adult. I think he can handle being called a bad word. I have seen so much worse than this.
If anyone swears in any chats around me or in TeamSpeak I will make sure to petition it immediately in the future.

Edit # 8:
As for the areas that I would have had to "Exploit" into, he had his house open in parts that allowed me to go down. I, however, can't prove this because he can easily close them off and say they were never open. Although I assure you, I did not exploit into any part of the house.

Edit # 9:
Here is proof that Draconis99 frequently leaves his house open to all.
Where is the justice?


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 15, 2011
You sir were banned for 3 reasons,

1. Griefing - You repeatedly spammed redstone devices within Draconis99's home for over 10 minutes straight with the intent to ruin his redstone contraptions.

2. Exploitation - You were seen by me exploiting block lag to get into chests in his home.

3. Harassment - I followed you from the moment you recalled after being trapped. You walked from your home, all the way to his, to repeat above actions, along with calling him a dumbass.

Your pushing of Draconis off of his home had no bearing in your ban whatsoever. I sincerely hope this downtime makes you realize that the type of behavior you were displaying isn't welcome here.

Unless an Admin says otherwise, you will be accepted back on 4/26.

Best Regards



Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 15, 2011
IGN: BulletDawg

Edit # 2:
Okay, let me retort.

1. Griefing - You repeatedly spammed redstone devices within Draconis99's home for over 10 minutes straight with the intent to ruin his redstone contraptions.

It's a regioned area, That isn't possible.

2. Exploitation - You were seen by me exploiting block lag to get into chests in his home.

Please provide evidence of this. I did not do this. That is an outright lie. Block lag is not possible. I could also claim I saw you exploiting. Personal opinion isn't enough.

3. Harassment - I followed you from the moment you recalled after being trapped. You walked from your home, all the way to his, to repeat above actions, along with calling him a dumbass.

I have seen much worse on the server. Shall we ban everyone who sends a /tell to anyone who dies in PvP because they aren't enough of a big boy to handle big boy words?

This is really getting aggravating. It's a shame I have to serve a wrongful sentence; And I probably will as it takes forever to settle this, especially when the problem is internal.

Hello again, you requested a rebuttal, so here you are.

1. You were using a pressure plate, region access has no bearing here, it was possible to spam his circuit.

2. Block lag is absolutely possible, I saw you stealing from chests above you by exploiting block lag on a piston.

3. In what way is your sentence related to PvP? You were banned for the reason's I listed above. You are right, it is a shame that your lack of maturity led to this ban, and it is a shame that I have to waste my time to defend myself.

Once again, I hope you learn your lesson. See you on the 26th.




Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 15, 2011
IGN: BulletDawg

Edit # 4:

1. You were using a pressure plate, region access has no bearing here, it was possible to spam his circuit.

Circuits cannot be broken unless they were predestined to due to poor construction.

2. Block lag is absolutely possible, I saw you stealing from chests above you by exploiting block lag on a piston.

The chest an be accessed by right clicking. I cannot forcibly move a piston through a floor.

3. In what way is your sentence related to PvP? You were banned for the reason's I listed above. You are right, it is a shame that your lack of maturity led to this ban, and it is a shame that I have to waste my time to defend myself.

Re-read the sentence.

The screenshots prove nothing. Yes, I stood on his pressure plate. I'll make sure to report anyone who presses any buttons in my house in the future. Yes, I called Draconis99 A "dumpass". This breaks no rules. On what grounds was I banned? Because Draconis99 has given the server 6k USD and whatever he wants, he gets. But that's just the opinion of a few.

Edit # 5:

Here is about as much proof as you linked.
This is for comparison only.

1. This is irrelevant, it's the fact that your were doing it, for the sole reason of bothering another player. You did not do it once, like you claim to now be able to report for. You were doing it for well over 5 minutes jumping up and down on it, trying to break the circuit.

2. Perhaps you would like to explain how you managed to get into areas of his home that were impossible without exploiting lag to press buttons / use lifts?

3. "I have seen much worse on the server. Shall we ban everyone who sends a /tell to anyone who dies in PvP because they aren't enough of a big boy to handle big boy words?" Okay, I re-read it, still seems like you are saying this is a PvP issue. Please see point 4.

4. I suggest you re-read our Online Terms of Service. Namely rule one. There is no favoritism in this server, I have no idea who has donated how much unless I see their donor star. The fact that you think staff favors those who have donated to help out this server is offensive to me, and to our staff as a whole.

5. Lovely Bones? Nice movie. What does it have to do with this?


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 15, 2011
Thank you for linking a video, I do not own a video recording software. I can see that you did not exploit into that chest, and apologize for thinking that you had done so.

Could you however explain how you got into areas of his home the are not accessible without region access? Unless exploiting block lag to toggle buttons/activate lifts?

Block lag exists. I am not trying to save anything. You are still banned for Harassment/Grief.

You broke rule 1 of our Terms of Service.

This is not some chess game. Do you time. Learn your lesson. See you soon.