- In-game name: BigDates
- Location & Age: Canada, 18
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None!
- Referral(s): none unfortunately =(
- Reason you should be accepted: I am very active (on for hours a day) and am willing to help immensely with building of new cities / anything else that needs to be done. I'm also willing to help out new people once I get the hang of the server! I've been playing a decent amount of SMP on some friends' servers, but I decided it was time to step it up a notch, and apply for a real server, such as this one!
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: searching on minestatus.net!
- Have you voted for Herocraft: Yep =) the only one I voted for!
- Additional Info: Not too such what to post here... Current student at UofM (if anyone else is, it'd be cool to chill ! =D)