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Bethesda next game


Legacy Supporter 3
Aug 30, 2011
Springfield(Springtucky), OR, U.S.A.
I know Skyrim just came out like 4 months ago but I was looking at their pattern of releasing games:
-TES 4 Oblivion:2007 had 1 expansion pack.
-Fallout 3:2008 had 5 expansion packs.
-Fallout New Vegas:2010 had 4 (6 if you count couriers stash and gunrunners).
-TES 5 Skyrim:2011 no expansions yet.

Considering that Skyrim supposedly is going to have expansions like the Fallout games did I think TES 6 or Fallout 4, most likely the Fallout will be released in around 2 years. If you are like "but FNV came out a year before Skyrim" that is because Obsidian Entertainment had mainly made it and which gave Bethesda more time to make Skyrim which is why it came out only 1 year after, well at least that is what I think, I could be wrong. So do you guys agree? What do you guys think? Also what do you think the next game will be based, if its Fallout I am guessing West Coast maybe Seattle or San Fran. And if it's TES 6 I think it will be Vallenwood and Elswyr and maybe also Summerset Isle with it. Again what are your guys' thought, I know Skyrim just came out but I just can't wait for another Fallout or TES.


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
I haven't seen you in forever^ - I've been checking out creation kit mods, they're sweeeeeeet


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 25, 2011
Afghanistan FOB Sharana
I think they need to go back to some of there other games they havent touched but once like the original xboxs Jade Empire been wishing for a sequel to that fantasy/rpg/martial arts/magic game for about 10 years now =(


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
They should remake all the other Elder Scroll games, because frankly, most of them look like shitty lego blocks.


Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 21, 2011
At risk of sounding like a hipster, I prefered New Vegas and Morrowind to any of those games, although FO:NV was made by Obsidian.

Skyrim's gameplay/world was amazing and drew me in for 400 odd hours, I have no complaints about that aspect of the game- but the storylines were so half-assed it made me cry. The lore/story behind them was awesome but they condensed into like 5 quests per guild. ):

I wanna play Morrowind in Skyrim's engine, like the people who made it in Oblivion's :p


Feb 19, 2012
you know after Skyrim they are probably going to make the High elf place I forgot the name.. because the High elf's play a big big role in the lore for Skyrim an now possibly this era


Feb 19, 2012
At risk of sounding like a hipster, I prefered New Vegas and Morrowind to any of those games, although FO:NV was made by Obsidian.

Skyrim's gameplay/world was amazing and drew me in for 400 odd hours, I have no complaints about that aspect of the game- but the storylines were so half-assed it made me cry. The lore/story behind them was awesome but they condensed into like 5 quests per guild. ):

I wanna play Morrowind in Skyrim's engine, like the people who made it in Oblivion's :p

you know when you become a Werewolf on every system it has a half-assed animation and that isnt all there are many other things such as keys in pockets that do absolutly nothing and Guilds/ groups e.g if you search the black guy in whiterun (i forgot his name lol) he and his wife have a key on them that does nothing and in the code there is a group that has to do with said key also the lady who sells fruit at whiterun was/is marriageable but the tried to remove that feature and failed so that occasional you can marry her but it is a bug.


Feb 19, 2012
if they made another fallout game then they should make it of Nevada that way they can have a Area 51 DLC anyone else agree?