Probably not my best game ever, but this was a good one I had a few minutes ago.
My team was feeding like hell early game. Enemy Draven was 8/0/11 in mid game, our Gnar was 0/11/5. The only skilled player on my team was Nautilus who helped me getting 6 kills early game. Once I got Athene's, it was basically me running around keeping the enemy team from overruning our base. Basically I used pings to coordinate my team until we managed to split our opponents in two, and take them down in 5v3s and 5v2s until the point where my teammates started getting some kills aswell. As we kept doing that with success, our Gnar managed to get back into the game and we managed to get a free baron after an ace. After the baron I was already 20+ kills up and, so I was running around killing people with my Q and E alone. We managed to win the game, even though the enemy Draven got a Quadra kill at the end because we were all low on health hitting the nexus.
We basically won because Nautilus did a great job peeling for me so I could kite the enemy team to shreds in mid game, then Gnar managed to get over his early game shock and got 7 kills pretty fast during a couple team fights and he started building tanky.
I dunno why, but it seems like I get matched with shitty players (on both sides) whenever I use Team Builder.
Here's the damage dealt against champions graph: