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Personally I get on MC to play two types of games... Hunger Games and Herocraft. Do you know how popular this server could be if you tap into the addictivness of surviving the Hunger games mixing with the epicness of the leveling system you have created?
The Setup 
-A portal would be created in the Nexus leading to the Hero Wars map.
-The map would be approx 40x40 Chunks, the map would include different biomes which geographicaly give advantages to various classes.
Party/team and lone wolf setup... Now this is where it will get difficult.
-Lone Wolf Setup: This will be the most appealing choice for people wanting to get something out playing in the Hero Wars. This is because there will be a reward system setup for killing other survivors. The reward for a lone wolf kill will give 1x Hero Points to the victor.
-Party Setup: The setup for playing Hero Wars with a party will have give an obvious numbers advantage in lone wolf vs. party situation. To make it more appealing and fair to be a lone wolf, there will be a penalty for the amount of Hero Points distributed among the party members. My idea is to do the opposite of how the party exp system is setup by using a formula such as 1/(x+[x^3/4x^2]) only when x>1.
-Reward system: To make it simple each kill is worth 100 Hero Points. After death or victory the person will be teleported to the rewards room setup similar to the DHX chests, the rewards will be rare items/blocks examples would be a fortune pickaxe or endstone being the most expensive. The rewards room will accesible via the nexus and visa versa.
-How often will I be able to play Hero Wars?... Would be one of the first questions I would ask. Every 2 hours the map will be reset beggining the next Hero Wars.
-Game Setup: The hero will be required to enter the portal with no items in their Inventory or equip slots. Failing to do so will result in being denied acsess into the match. The waiting lobby room will open up 10 min before the next match starts. Once the map starts each character will be given a compass that will point to the nearest player with an exception of party members. At the 15 minute marker the great feast will begin spawning a cluster of chests containing items of interest.
-Additional options: This could open the whole idea for a Hero Wars class that would be considered the 3rd class.
-Once a month the server could host a Town Hero Wars event, the victor town would recieve some sort of reward and own the title of current victor. This would make towns more appealing and allow for competitive pvp among friendly and enemy towns.
-create multiple maps to where strategies would have to be made on the spot.
Why you should consider this.
-Get on youtube and search Herocraft Online, 92 results come up. Now type in Minecraft Hunger Games, 93,300 results come up. The social media that would come with HCO's Hero Wars would launch your server to the top, especialy since you are such a dedicated server host.
-What makes any huge MMORPG so addicting is the ability to showcase your skills in massive battles and minigames.
- The amount of donations you would recieve would increase significantly, this means more money for you, and more money you could invest into the server
Thanks for taking the time to read,