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Banned from TeamSpeak

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Mar 9, 2012
IGN: iKuroba
Banned by: Danda
Time of ban: 23:23
Reason for ban: Misunderstanding
Your story: This video explains it
I also find it disappointing I get called stupid by a staff member
when I've done nothing to deserve that kind of treatment.

Edit: I don't understand your logic. Dismay knew I was doing it and he was fine with it, and to my knowledge it's not even against the rules to impersonate a player (Not that I was anyways). Like I said, we were just messing around with our names as a joke between each other, I never once said I was Dismay. I even tried to reconnect and explain what was going on, but you banned me before I got to say anything. Also, do you really think somebody would avoid their ban using the same name? Not only that, but there was two people with the name Dismay, so it's kind of obvious none of us were actually him. That being said, I don't understand why you would keep the ban active even though you know I'm not him now.

Considering it wasn't causing harm or offending anybody I honestly don't see why a warning wouldn't suffice if you're going to be this unreasonable.


Edit2: Danda Like I've already said, I reconnected to try and explain I wasn't actually Dismay, but you banned me before I got to say anything. Yes, I suppose you were justified in banning when you thought I was him, but now you know I'm NOT Dismay, yet you still keep me banned. I'm honestly having a hard time comprehending that logic.

Kainzo What am I supposed to look for in the rules? All I see relating to this is "You may not impersonate a staff member" Dismay isn't staff, and I wasn't impersonating him. Sorry if that comes off as rude.

I wasn't causing harm to anyone, I wasn't griefing anyone, I didn't do anything wrong.
I'm not trying to be irritating or waste your time, so I'll just accept the ban (However unreasonable it is) if it's temporary, but to me it looked like a permanent ban.



Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
Well I personally disagree with your last statement here. You were banned for impersonating a player that is already banned from TeamSpeak which lets be honest isn't the most intelligent move you could have made considering that it makes it look like that player is avoiding their ban. So surprisingly you'll find yourself banned since that player isn't supposed to be on the server.


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
Ok I just watched the video... You were banned not once but twice for the same thing in the space of 5 minutes... what possibly made you think that logging in with Dismay's name a second time would not result in another ban...

I am currently in awe at the shear stupidity of what you did there. Just because you ignored the first warning I'm going to leave this ban on for a few days since you clearly haven't learned by your ban appeal.


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
Yes he may have known you were logged in under his name and was fine with it but he is banned from teamspeak now if I go through the server listing and find a user called Dismays (someone who isn't supposed to be on because he is banned) what is my first reaction going to be?

Also, do you really think somebody would avoid their ban using the same name?
Actually yes because I have seen it happen plenty of times in the past because there are people out in this world that are that smart.


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
I am just going to leave this here:


Channels and Policies

Channels within the Herocraft Teamspeak are available to established Kingdoms and towns, as well as T3+ donors (your channel name must be identifiable to your IGN). To request a town/donor channel please contact a Moderator.

Note: Towns are allowed two subchannels.

As far as behavior and rules are concerned the general Herocraft, where applicable, apply. Besides that it is assumed people will have the common sense required to behave in an appropriate manner. If that is not the case some may find themselves no longer welcome in Herocraft.

Players are required to have their IGN contained within their Teamspeak Username at all times.

iKuroba - Yes disagree with my post because I pointed out the rules to you, good job =]
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