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Balance Suggestions


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
In short, legendaries suck. Granted you have to level 6+ classes to get them, but I still think their current state is still over the top. Darkmaster can kill a target super easily without having to hit many/any skillshots -- and grandmaster can outsustain even large groups with its insane heals.

I'll start with darkmaster:

Disarray: This skill is iffy. 100(+1 per int) aoe straight line damage is a decent amount, but a 20 second cooldown seems kind of strange. We can either leave it as it is, or reduce both the damage and the cooldown to make the skill feel a little better.

: Kind of a boring skill, do ~100 damage aoe in front of you with a 14 second cooldown. This skill isn't that much of an issue.

: This is one of the main issue skills. With a 13 second cooldown, Endlessnightmare locks down a target with blindness, slowness, and hunger for 5 seconds while dealing 50(+1 per int) damage. The damage isn't the problem, its the ability to set up all your other skills during these 5 seconds of slowness/blindness. The duration needs to be decreased to maybe 2 seconds. Also compared to the equivalent skill on grandmaster, endlessnightmare has a 13 second cooldown where judgment spike has a 30 second cooldown, just a thought.

: Kind of iffy about it. This class seems leaning towards a caster and not really a rogue, so stealth doesn't seem to fit the current role.

: Not quite sure why the class has this skill. Just another filler damage skill that gives some sustain.

: No real opinion.

: Another problem skill. If coded correctly, this skill could allow a lot of outplay potential by teleporting players back to their position. Currently its just used as another damage skill to burst players down, as the darkmaster can just reuse the skill to do instant 100(+1 per int) damage. If the skill can not be recoded to apply the damage at the end of the duration, the damage should just be removed entirely.

: This skill is fine.

: Not sure why the class has this skill though. Along the same logic of sneak, the class is too casteresque to have this kind of initiation/getaway potential. I don't have a suggestion as what to replace this skill with but I don't think it should stay.

: 10 second cooldown, 100(+1 per strength) aoe damage. I would increase the cooldown by 2-4 seconds.

: This skill brings a lot of aoe magic damage, but a 40 second cooldown is quite long. I suggest bringing the cooldown down to 25 seconds - but lowering the damage from 15(+0.5 per int) tick damage every second for 6 seconds, to 12.5(+0.25 per int). With 30 int thats 180 aoe damage to 120 but on a much shorter cooldown.

: This skill is also hard to deal with. The aoe damage is insane, but the radius is so small that it doesn't end up doing that much. However, when its combo'd with a stun, slow, or something like endlessnightmare, the damage can really add up. I think we can leave it like this for now, but I'm interested in possibly increasing the range and decreasing the damage in the future.

Last but not least, the left click damage. Without the base 15 strength a blaze rod does 50 damage. Compared to a ninja and disciple, who both have a weapon with the same attack speed, Ninja has 43 with shears and Disciple has 39. A class with this much magic damage should not be doing more than a ninja with left click as well. Imo the base left click should be decreased by ~8.

Onto Grandmaster:

I'm not going to do the same thing I did for darkmaster, but there are a few things I want to address. @Pugglez_ put it perfectly - The class needs to sacrifice either some of its healing or some of its damage. Right now, it can outsustain everything easily and manages to deal a decent amount of damage as well. These are coming from fighting against grandmasters and as using it on test. As a sidenote, as a grandmaster I could smack darkmaster with a lot of hp/mana left.

Call of Order: To put it simply, this skill is just annoying. The extremely low cooldown in addition to the high aoe heals makes fighting this class in any situation really really annoying. The copy of this skill on Transcendent has a 20 second cooldown, which is a lot more reasonable for this high of aoe heals.

EscapeArtist: Why does it have this skill lol. No current suggestion as what to replace it with but this just doesn't really belong.

JudgmentSpike: Silence duration needs to go down to 3 seconds from 5 seconds. The cooldown could also possibly be lowered to 25 seconds from 30.

TimeReverse: Same logic as Timewarp for darkmaster, the skill logic is just all wrong. People don't actually try to use the skill for what it was made for, they just use it twice and get a 27.5% hp heal every 15 seconds. If the logic cannot be reversed as to when the heal is applied, the heal just has to go. As another note, I tried fighting a darkmaster without even using this skill and still won with 4 hearts left.

DivineRuination: An aoe blind/damage on a 10 second cooldown? This class already has a really hefty silence for a support class. I suggest just flat out removing the blind from this skill.

Left click damage: Same as Darkmaster, lower by ~8.

Other classes:

Sorcerer: Reduce Radius of Arcanestorm from 12->8. The radius would be fine if it didn't have the insane knockback applied every tick.

Blacksmith: All forge/smelt skills - Swap Warmup and Cooldown (5 Seconds - None)
Miner: All smelt skills - Swap Warmup and Cooldown (5 Seconds - None)

@Balance Team @Kainzo Read up and let me know what you think.


Legacy Supporter 2
May 23, 2012
I already know aura skills, arcane storm, serenity, and the 2 legendary skills are getting the debuff with the whole, ending when getting silenced/interrupted. This change along with the ones you suggested I think is needed overall. Also side note serenity's CD is 25 seconds not 20 seconds.

I don't think the Time based skills should be doing damage/healing, as as far as I know the equivalent skills in the Tier 2 classes had these secondary affects removed, and I thought the same would be done with the legendary classes. The damage is very high for a spammable weapon and it has a mix of all the best skills from classes.

Other skill changes I agree with. It just seems like there is no theme to the overall classes, and any theme that exists doesn't really fit with the hodgepodge of skills that it has. I get that it has to be strong but it just feels out of place with the other classes. Granted I feel the same way with warriors and the 1.9 changes, but that's another topic. I would love to see either a specific meeting to talk about warriors or a separate thread, I got the chance to play with a few and they really need some reworking past the damage changes.

As for the smelt skills I really feel like there shouldn't be a warmup or cool down on any of these skills. I liked the change with deconstruct costing stamina and I think it would translate well with the other types of skills. Forge I think feels ok with how it is now. But smelt iron on blacksmith just feels dumb with how miner is.

I think repair should follow the same logic.


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
I don't know Legends enough to make too many statements, other than I think Chaos should drop by 10 damage, not 8.
At -8 they'd only be doing slightly less than Ninja, on top of all the Magic Damage. They should be closer to Disc in terms of damage.

Smith and Miner change: Yes please. I think all prof skills should have CD's not warmups.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 11, 2011
As Irishman81 stated, one of the biggest problems with Darkmaster is Endlessnightmare. The 5 seconds of slowness and blindness is more than enough to lock down your target and use your skills on them and still have enough room for melee hits.

Timewarp has so much potential for skillful plays, but right now Darkmasters most of the time are just instantly re-casting it to deal its full damage.

Like irishman81 said, Sneak and Smoke feel so out of place as Darkmaster seem to be more of a caster than a rogue. The same can be said with Blessing, it's more of a support skill.


For a class like Grandmaster that has huge sustain and barely have any problems with mana at all even if you spam your skills, its damage needs to be sacrificed. The damage itself it deals from melee is actually decent, its not that bad but at the same time it isn't that strong. However, it has the ability to sustain and live so long in fights that it actually does damage with survivability like Paladin. I think it should change its preferred weapon that has an attack timer so theres a higher skill cap for doing damage as melee.

The situation with its Timewarp is the same as Darkmaster's. Grandmasters are just using it as a healing to heal 3 hearts every 15 seconds rather than an outplay potential. The healing of Timewarp from Grandmaster and the damaging aspect of Timewarp from Darkmaster should just be removed in my opinion.

Agreed with the changes to Judgementspike and Divineruination. An AoE blind like Divineruiantion (I believe it is 3-5 seconds duration) is insane on a support class. Grandmaster has two really strong silences for a class with high sustain.


Arcanestorm's 12 block range is way too strong for the amount of damage it deals and the knockback it does per tick. It already has strong single target and AoE even without it. From the past fights I've had this map, majority of the sorcerers just sit back with pulse, megabolt, bolt, and arcaneblast because it is so hard to touch them with a 12 block continuous pulse that knockbacks you every tick.


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
This week's balance changes:

EndlessNightmare: The duration decreased to 2 seconds. Cooldown increased to 25 seconds
TimeWarp: Remove Damage completely until skill is recoded
GreatChasm: Cooldown by 2 seconds.

: Cooldown down to 25 seconds - but lowering the damage from 15(+0.5 per int) tick damage every second for 6 seconds, to 12.5(+0.25 per int).
Base left click decreased by 8.

Call of Order: Cooldown increased to 20 seconds

JudgmentSpike: Duration decreased to 2 seconds. Cooldown lowered to 25 seconds.

TimeReverse: Heal removed until skill logic can be redone.

DivineRuination: Remove the blind.

Left click damage: lower by 8.

Sorcerer: Reduce Radius of Arcanestorm from 12->8.

Blacksmith: All forge skills - Swap Warmup and Cooldown (5 Seconds - None)
Bard: Add bow to offhand to fix bug


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
This week's balance changes:

EndlessNightmare: The duration decreased to 2 seconds. Cooldown increased to 25 seconds
TimeWarp: Remove Damage completely until skill is recoded
GreatChasm: Cooldown by 2 seconds.

: Cooldown down to 25 seconds - but lowering the damage from 15(+0.5 per int) tick damage every second for 6 seconds, to 12.5(+0.25 per int).
Base left click decreased by 8.

Call of Order: Cooldown increased to 20 seconds

JudgmentSpike: Duration decreased to 2 seconds. Cooldown lowered to 25 seconds.

TimeReverse: Heal removed until skill logic can be redone.

DivineRuination: Remove the blind.

Left click damage: lower by 8.

Sorcerer: Reduce Radius of Arcanestorm from 12->8.

Blacksmith: All forge skills - Swap Warmup and Cooldown (5 Seconds - None)
Bard: Add bow to offhand to fix bug
So these are in for Friday, but I also wanted to bring up some last second changes we can talk about here. If we can't agree then they don't need to go in but I figured tomorrow was a good time.


Bloodmage is very strong at the moment, without any real skillshot to the class it brings lots of single target/aoe damage while sustaining without much of a challenge. Since I can't rework the class right now, just some basic number changes will have to do.

Siphonblood: cd 5->6 Seconds
CombustBlood: Required bloodunion for dot 2->3
Boilblood: Tick time on Boilblood down from 12 seconds to 8 seconds: Lowers total damage to 109.75+(82.4 bleed damage) for t1 bloodmage


Dreadknight brings too much to the table right now - its kit allows it to beat all warriors/rogues, as well as have a very good chance at beating a caster/healer.

Base left click 104->92 -- This class already brings a lot of magic damage, and it also deals more with darkscythe
Soulleech healing recieved 100%-80% of damage dealt.

Dragoon is in a pretty terrible spot right now. It loses to other warriors, it loses to casters, it loses to some healers, it even loses to some rogues. The class is only really used for chasing/running away.

Lunarlance: Cooldown 14->10, Stamina 250->200 -- (also need to check in on a bug where lunarlance drains mana from the user as well, I don't see anything about it in the config)
Spear: Re-add interrupt
Impale: Increase Slow duration from 3->5 seconds


Runeblade is in a pretty strong spot atm, but its focused too much on being just pure burst and not using its slows/silences to its full potential. Bear with me for these changes.

Voidrune: Silence 1.5->3 Seconds
IceRune: Damage down from 40+(0.875 per int) -> 25+(0.875 per int) -- Slow duration 2->3.5 Seconds
Base left click 65->60

I probably have the most experience with this class for this map. Its in a strong spot, and just needs some tweaking to settle it down a bit.

Bolt cooldown 12->14 seconds
Pulse cooldown 10->12 seconds

Thats it for now - hopefully everyone can respond to this by early tomorrow afternoon so we can get this in.
@Balance Team @Kainzo


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 11, 2011
Dragoon is in a pretty terrible spot right now. It loses to other warriors, it loses to casters, it loses to some healers, it even loses to some rogues. The class is only really used for chasing/running away.

Lunarlance: Cooldown 14->10, Stamina 250->200 -- (also need to check in on a bug where lunarlance drains mana from the user as well, I don't see anything about it in the config)
Spear: Re-add interrupt
Impale: Increase Slow duration from 3->5 seconds
Lunar lance can be very powerful against so many classes. Stamina cost reduction is fine, but the Lunarlance CD should be kept. Slow should just be increased by 0.5, bumping it up to 3.5 seconds. Herocraft PvP is quite fast-paced, 5 seconds is too long of a slow. Might not seem like a lot in paper, but when you actually experience it, 4 seconds is already quite long.


Runeblade is in a pretty strong spot atm, but its focused too much on being just pure burst and not using its slows/silences to its full potential. Bear with me for these changes.

Voidrune: Silence 1.5->3 Seconds
IceRune: Damage down from 40+(0.875 per int) -> 25+(0.875 per int) -- Slow duration 2->3.5 Seconds
Base left click 65->60

I agree, Runeblade is just full burst right now and the slows/silences are just added bonus to its damage. However, as I said with Dragoon, 3+ seconds can be quite long when you actually experience it in PvP. And on top of that, Runeblade's mechanics when it comes to silences/slows is quite unique because of the ability to be able to stack 3 runes pre-fight and the ability itself to be able to stack 3 runes.

As such, it should be:
  • VoidRune
    • Silence increased to 2 seconds from 1.5 seconds
    • Scaling decreased to 15 + 0.75 per intellect damage from 20 + 0.75
  • IceRune
    • Slow duration increased to 3 seconds from 2 seconds.
    • Scaling decreased to 30 + 0.875 per intellect damage from 40 + 0.875
  • Base Left Click damage decreased to 60 from 65.
Last edited:


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
Lunar lance can be very powerful against so many classes. Stamina cost reduction is fine, but the Lunarlance CD should be kept. Slow should just be increased by 0.5, bumping it up to 3.5 seconds. Herocraft PvP is quite fast-paced, 5 seconds is too long of a slow. Might not seem like a lot in paper, but when you actually experience it, 4 seconds is already quite long.

I agree, Runeblade is just full burst right now and the slows/silences are just added bonus to its damage. However, as I said with Dragoon, 3+ seconds can be quite long when you actually experience it in PvP. And on top of that, Runeblade's mechanics when it comes to silences/slows is quite unique because of the ability to be able to stack 3 runes pre-fight and the ability itself to be able to stack 3 runes.

As such, it should be:
  • VoidRune
    • Silence increased to 2 seconds from 1.5 seconds
    • Scaling decreased to 15 + 0.75 per intellect damage from 20 + 0.75
  • IceRune
    • Slow duration increased to 3 seconds from 2 seconds.
  • Base Left Click damage decreased to 60 from 65.
I can agree with this, any other comments @Balance Team ?


Legacy Supporter 7
Aug 23, 2011
I'm kinda on the fence about some of the changes. Runeblade may be the right move, but I have a feeling it may not completely balance them. I was more leaning to toning down Fire and Toxic Rune, but this could work too. The main problem I am having with Dragoon as of now is Stam costs. I'm almost always out of stamina in fights if we are moving/I'm chasing. (Even when I had an actually attribute build). I can't give actually numbers to you because the wiki seems off, and I do not want to report false numbers to change. I did talk with Victim about the class and how to actually play it now, and too be honest it is kind of boring to play it right. Melee->PiercingStrike->Wait a second for my melee timer to refill->Repeat. Not really fun when I actually catch someone. Finally, Strike is a waste of Stamina in a fight.

Also, nothing for Ninja or Bard?

EDIT: Victim and I just talked and he believe Stam costs are not the fix, and he kind of convinced me of that. As of right now I am not sure how to fix the class correctly.
Last edited:


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 11, 2011
I'm kinda on the fence about some of the changes. Runeblade may be the right move, but I have a feeling it may not completely balance them. I was more leaning to toning down Fire and Toxic Rune, but this could work too. The main problem I am having with Dragoon as of now is Stam costs. I'm almost always out of stamina in fights if we are moving/I'm chasing. (Even when I had an actually attribute build). I can't give actually numbers to you because the wiki seems off, and I do not want to report false numbers to change. I did talk with Victim about the class and how to actually play it now, and too be honest it is kind of boring to play it right. Melee->PiercingStrike->Wait a second for my melee timer to refill->Repeat. Not really fun when I actually catch someone. Finally, Strike is a waste of Stamina in a fight.

Also, nothing for Ninja or Bard?

EDIT: Victim and I just talked and he believe Stam costs are not the fix, and he kind of convinced me of that. As of right now I am not sure how to fix the class correctly.
In addition to increasing the slow and silence of Runeblade's runes, I forgot to mention that we should also do tone down the damage of FireRune to compensate. I think we should shift Runeblade to be less bursty than it is now and be more reliant on its use of Runeword to do its highest potential burst.

Dragoon has always had stamina problems. In my opinion, in previous maps, the reason why dragoons still could somewhat catch up to you and melee you even when exhausting a lot of stamina to the point of not having enough hunger for proper sprinting most of the time was its natural style of having high agility and speed potions being allowed in combat. Not a lot of people realize this, but I do think that speed potions helped a lot of stamina hungry classes to be able to sprint close to that of a Speed I buff with a Speed II potion buff with no hunger.

When pvp'ing with Dragoon in previous maps, it feels more "fast" paced than the normal classes. You would have a Speed II buff along with your high base movement speed from high agility, and your damage comes from consistently doing melee hits, being all up at your enemy's face and not allowing them to hit you back or knocking them back. But the 1.9 attack timer system removed what a dragoon would feel as "high dps." It's high dps "feeling" has always come from spamming skills and your melee weapon. That's why it feels "boring" for you and anyone who feels the same way to play the "waiting for the timer to refill" game with Dragoon.

Dragoons has always had stamina problems simply because of its nature as a class to spam skills to do high dps. I think a way to fix the stamina problem with Dragoon is to remove the stamina cost of piercingstrike and lower the base damage of Dragoon's melee to compensate.

As for Ninja, the main problem that needs to be addressed with it is the Backstab scaling.

And I've been playing Bard for a while now, and I do think that that reducing the base damage of Voidsong to 30 from 40 and increasing its cooldown to 18 seconds from 15 seconds would be good. Voidsong is a very powerful skill that can make a huge impact on a fight, so I think Voidsong should be the focus when trying to tone down Bard's group fight capabilities.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 11, 2011
Also, another thing that needs to be changed is decreasing Samurai's base HP. Right now, it has the highest base HP among the Warriors, even higher than Paladin. You can easily reach 1,100 hp as T1 Samurai with 1-2 dungeon items and easily reach 1,150 hp as T2 Samurai WITHOUT health items and just based on attribute build alone. So if you add in good gear and weapon, a T2 Samurai can reach 1,200+ HP.

This is way too much health for a warrior with good armor (diamond helm + rest chain armor), high DPS (4 spammable damage skills), 70+ base melee damage, low stamina cost management even if your spamming most of your skills, low CD anti-Magic and anti-Melee skills, and an unbreakable speed boost in combat. I suggest decreasing it by 50 hp.


Legacy Supporter 7
Aug 23, 2011
I heard potion effects break in combat now. Is this correct? My feeling is that Ninja has too much upfront damage which negates the core aspect of being a sneaking Ninja. I was thinking of lowering the base damage of Ninja to around 75 (Open for suggestions) while buffing the Backstab multipler so it still does the same damage as now. I believe this will push the class to be more stealth-like gameplay and less of a potential upfront fighter.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
In short, legendaries suck. Granted you have to level 6+ classes to get them, but I still think their current state is still over the top. Darkmaster can kill a target super easily without having to hit many/any skillshots -- and grandmaster can outsustain even large groups with its insane heals.

I'll start with darkmaster:

Disarray: This skill is iffy. 100(+1 per int) aoe straight line damage is a decent amount, but a 20 second cooldown seems kind of strange. We can either leave it as it is, or reduce both the damage and the cooldown to make the skill feel a little better.

: Kind of a boring skill, do ~100 damage aoe in front of you with a 14 second cooldown. This skill isn't that much of an issue.

: This is one of the main issue skills. With a 13 second cooldown, Endlessnightmare locks down a target with blindness, slowness, and hunger for 5 seconds while dealing 50(+1 per int) damage. The damage isn't the problem, its the ability to set up all your other skills during these 5 seconds of slowness/blindness. The duration needs to be decreased to maybe 2 seconds. Also compared to the equivalent skill on grandmaster, endlessnightmare has a 13 second cooldown where judgment spike has a 30 second cooldown, just a thought.

: Kind of iffy about it. This class seems leaning towards a caster and not really a rogue, so stealth doesn't seem to fit the current role.

: Not quite sure why the class has this skill. Just another filler damage skill that gives some sustain.

: No real opinion.

: Another problem skill. If coded correctly, this skill could allow a lot of outplay potential by teleporting players back to their position. Currently its just used as another damage skill to burst players down, as the darkmaster can just reuse the skill to do instant 100(+1 per int) damage. If the skill can not be recoded to apply the damage at the end of the duration, the damage should just be removed entirely.

: This skill is fine.

: Not sure why the class has this skill though. Along the same logic of sneak, the class is too casteresque to have this kind of initiation/getaway potential. I don't have a suggestion as what to replace this skill with but I don't think it should stay.

: 10 second cooldown, 100(+1 per strength) aoe damage. I would increase the cooldown by 2-4 seconds.

: This skill brings a lot of aoe magic damage, but a 40 second cooldown is quite long. I suggest bringing the cooldown down to 25 seconds - but lowering the damage from 15(+0.5 per int) tick damage every second for 6 seconds, to 12.5(+0.25 per int). With 30 int thats 180 aoe damage to 120 but on a much shorter cooldown.

: This skill is also hard to deal with. The aoe damage is insane, but the radius is so small that it doesn't end up doing that much. However, when its combo'd with a stun, slow, or something like endlessnightmare, the damage can really add up. I think we can leave it like this for now, but I'm interested in possibly increasing the range and decreasing the damage in the future.

Last but not least, the left click damage. Without the base 15 strength a blaze rod does 50 damage. Compared to a ninja and disciple, who both have a weapon with the same attack speed, Ninja has 43 with shears and Disciple has 39. A class with this much magic damage should not be doing more than a ninja with left click as well. Imo the base left click should be decreased by ~8.

Onto Grandmaster:

I'm not going to do the same thing I did for darkmaster, but there are a few things I want to address. @Pugglez_ put it perfectly - The class needs to sacrifice either some of its healing or some of its damage. Right now, it can outsustain everything easily and manages to deal a decent amount of damage as well. These are coming from fighting against grandmasters and as using it on test. As a sidenote, as a grandmaster I could smack darkmaster with a lot of hp/mana left.

Call of Order: To put it simply, this skill is just annoying. The extremely low cooldown in addition to the high aoe heals makes fighting this class in any situation really really annoying. The copy of this skill on Transcendent has a 20 second cooldown, which is a lot more reasonable for this high of aoe heals.

EscapeArtist: Why does it have this skill lol. No current suggestion as what to replace it with but this just doesn't really belong.

JudgmentSpike: Silence duration needs to go down to 3 seconds from 5 seconds. The cooldown could also possibly be lowered to 25 seconds from 30.

TimeReverse: Same logic as Timewarp for darkmaster, the skill logic is just all wrong. People don't actually try to use the skill for what it was made for, they just use it twice and get a 27.5% hp heal every 15 seconds. If the logic cannot be reversed as to when the heal is applied, the heal just has to go. As another note, I tried fighting a darkmaster without even using this skill and still won with 4 hearts left.

DivineRuination: An aoe blind/damage on a 10 second cooldown? This class already has a really hefty silence for a support class. I suggest just flat out removing the blind from this skill.

Left click damage: Same as Darkmaster, lower by ~8.

Other classes:

Sorcerer: Reduce Radius of Arcanestorm from 12->8. The radius would be fine if it didn't have the insane knockback applied every tick.

Blacksmith: All forge/smelt skills - Swap Warmup and Cooldown (5 Seconds - None)
Miner: All smelt skills - Swap Warmup and Cooldown (5 Seconds - None)

@Balance Team @Kainzo Read up and let me know what you think.
Can we get these in patch notes for the main page?


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
What we have so far, I need everyone to chime in in the next hour or two so I can push everything to Kain for release tonight:

EndlessNightmare: The duration decreased to 2 seconds. Cooldown increased to 25 seconds
TimeWarp: Remove Damage completely until skill is recoded
GreatChasm: Cooldown by 2 seconds.
CallofChaos: Cooldown down to 25 seconds - but lowering the damage from 15(+0.5 per int) tick damage every second for 6 seconds, to 12.5(+0.25 per int).
Base left click decreased by 8.

Call of Order: Cooldown increased to 20 seconds
JudgmentSpike: Duration decreased to 2 seconds. Cooldown lowered to 25 seconds.
TimeReverse: Heal removed until skill logic can be redone.
DivineRuination: Remove the blind.
Left click damage: lower by 8.

Bolt cooldown 12->14 seconds
Pulse cooldown 10->12 seconds

Reduce Radius of Arcanestorm from 12->8.

All forge skills - Swap Warmup and Cooldown (5 Seconds - None)
Add bow to offhand to fix bug
Voidsong base damage down from 40->30
Voidsong Cooldown 15->18

Siphonblood: cd 5->6 Seconds
CombustBlood: Required bloodunion for dot 2->3
Boilblood: Tick time on Boilblood down from 12 seconds to 8 seconds: Lowers total damage to 109.75+(82.4 bleed damage) for t1 bloodmage

Base left click 104->92
Soulleech healing recieved 100%-80% of damage dealt.

Lunarlance: Stamina 250->200
Impale: Increase Slow duration from 3-> 3.5seconds

VoidRune: Silence increased to 2 seconds from 1.5 seconds - Scaling decreased to 15 + 0.75 per intellect damage from 20 + 0.75
IceRune: Slow duration increased to 3 seconds from 2 seconds - Scaling decreased to 30 + 0.875 per intellect damage from 40 + 0.875
FireRune: Base damage lowered from 40->32, scaling lowered from 1.25 per int to 1
Base Left Click damage decreased to 60 from 65.

Base hp lowered from 800->750

Let's leave ninja alone for now, I can't think of anything off the top of my head, we can work on it for next patch.

@Balance Team Lets hear it, I need responses in the near future so I can get these in before patch time.