- Joined
- Feb 12, 2012
- In-game name: Artistic_Flair
- Location & Age: Kentucky, 13
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): On one server for greifing. I was being.. Silly with my friends and I would never do that to a great server like yours. You have put in way to much work. (server:
- Referral(s): My brother, poopman600, asked me to join.
- Reason you should be accepted: I want to be apart of a greater community and meet new people. I want to build with my friends and have fun.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: Since I get around a lot, I have heard so much about this server. From many friends and acquaintances, they all say its great.
- Have you voted for Herocraft?: I'm not entirely sure. I voted and it said there was a bad gateway.
- Additional Info: I can be a really cool person, but I can be angered easily. Noticing it's been an issue, I've been trying to work on that. I can be quick to make friends, or I can just be plain annoying. Sometimes I am rather sophisticated, other times, not so much. Overall, it depends on my mood. I am a very creative person when it comes to art. Architecture, not so much. If I really think, It can be pretty mind blowing. I have the guts to be a leader, maybe not a great one, but I can get the job done. Organizing is my life so it wouldn't be rare to be able to find stuff easy in my chests. A pixel art: