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Artistic_Flair's Application

Feb 12, 2012
  1. In-game name: Artistic_Flair
  2. Location & Age: Kentucky, 13
  3. Previous Bans (Includes other servers): On one server for greifing. I was being.. Silly with my friends and I would never do that to a great server like yours. You have put in way to much work. (server: minecraft.clanrks.com
  4. Referral(s): My brother, poopman600, asked me to join.
  5. Reason you should be accepted: I want to be apart of a greater community and meet new people. I want to build with my friends and have fun.
  6. How did you hear about Herocraft?: Since I get around a lot, I have heard so much about this server. From many friends and acquaintances, they all say its great.
  7. Have you voted for Herocraft?: I'm not entirely sure. I voted and it said there was a bad gateway.
  8. Additional Info: I can be a really cool person, but I can be angered easily. Noticing it's been an issue, I've been trying to work on that. I can be quick to make friends, or I can just be plain annoying. Sometimes I am rather sophisticated, other times, not so much. Overall, it depends on my mood. I am a very creative person when it comes to art. Architecture, not so much. If I really think, It can be pretty mind blowing. I have the guts to be a leader, maybe not a great one, but I can get the job done. Organizing is my life so it wouldn't be rare to be able to find stuff easy in my chests. A pixel art:2011-11-05_14.43.38.png


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 2, 2011
Ok then I will ignore this ban.. only because you seem to be regretful of it.. and the rest of your app is decent..

Welcome to Herocraft!

Feb 12, 2012
Somebody on that server made me mad.. It was awhile ago and I have since then matured. I cross my heart and hope to die that I won't grief again.