• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!



May 27, 2014
Reasons I should be accepted: Well, I enjoy playing Minecraft, for starters. I wouldn't say I'm very good at anything in particular; rather, I enjoy doing most things. I'm a moderate fighter, I've build some small but cool buildings, and am VERY picky about how my abode (and the surrounding environment) looks aesthetically (I'm a perfectionist with OCD). I'm planning on starting a township with my friends, once we've played a while. (I would post some photosof my buildings, but I can't figure out how. Sorry.)

Additional info: I'm a homeschooled Middle-Earth geek (almost as geeky as my brother) and I enjoy playing Minecraft (duh), reading, making games (board, card, role-playing and otherwise), writing my random mottos in runes (Sometimes elvish, sometimes in runes I made), doing geometry, building small transforming robots out of Legos, and playing the piano, among other things. As extra-curricular activities go, I'm in Boy Scouts, Tae Kwon Do, homeschool choir, a homeschool Latin class, et cetera, et cetera (which, by the way, is a direct translation from Latin, meaning "and so on"). If you would like to read my essay on the electromagnetic linear grapnel beam projector gauntlet, I would be happy to email it to you.

-Fletcher Caspian Smith
-Agent Ultravoid
-Fulmineus Utor


Aug 13, 2011
  1. Minecraft In-Game Name: Tandorvir
  2. Location & Age: In the middle of some cornfields outside Boone, Boone county, Iowa. I'm 16 years old.
  3. Previous Bans from other Servers: None.
  4. Referral(s): My brother and I heard of it from our friend, Tristenion123, and my brother (Thunderdrake3) has played some (after reading the wiki for hours).
  5. Have you voted for Herocraft: Yes
  6. Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel: No
  7. Have you followed us on Twitter: No
  8. Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS: Yes
  9. Special Key: {HCT9}
Reasons I should be accepted: Well, I enjoy playing Minecraft, for starters. I wouldn't say I'm very good at anything in particular; rather, I enjoy doing most things. I'm a moderate fighter, I've build some small but cool buildings, and am VERY picky about how my abode (and the surrounding environment) looks aesthetically (I'm a perfectionist with OCD). I'm planning on starting a township with my friends, once we've played a while. (I would post some photosof my buildings, but I can't figure out how. Sorry.)

Additional info: I'm a homeschooled Middle-Earth geek (almost as geeky as my brother) and I enjoy playing Minecraft (duh), reading, making games (board, card, role-playing and otherwise), writing my random mottos in runes (Sometimes elvish, sometimes in runes I made), doing geometry, building small transforming robots out of Legos, and playing the piano, among other things. As extra-curricular activities go, I'm in Boy Scouts, Tae Kwon Do, homeschool choir, a homeschool Latin class, et cetera, et cetera (which, by the way, is a direct translation from Latin, meaning "and so on"). If you would like to read my essay on the electromagnetic linear grapnel beam projector gauntlet, I would be happy to email it to you.

-Fletcher Caspian Smith
-Agent Ultravoid
-Fulmineus Utor