- Joined
- Feb 9, 2012
- Location
- Tallinn, Estonia, EU
- In-game name: Jeebo123
- Location & Age: Tallinn, Estonia, North-Eastern Europe , 23
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None that i am aware of.
- Referral(s): Sirdemonic3 , Uin153
- Reason you should be accepted: I'm really interested to try this server out and if i like it, to try to be a active and good member of the community, some of my friends are already playing it and i hope i will be able to join them.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: My Minecraft friends spoke very highly of this server. ( Their names are under Referrals )
- Have you voted for Herocraft : I am going to vote for the server actively after i have tried it out and found that its worth my vote. I do not vote for anything blindly.
- Additional Info: I'm a person who you would call a Builder in all the aspects... I play Minecraft to build. I do play usually on servers with alot of traffic because i like also the community life and its a great way for me to relax from real life. I'm a very tolerant and nice person. I'm going to try to add a picture of my latest creation to this application. Its still under construction but if i like HeroCraft i may abandon it and start off in your server either in a town or make my own town.
Wish you a great day,