IGN: Alpine
Muted by:
Time of mute: 10:15PM-ish Feb, 11 2015
Server/Channel: First O-Chat, then Global Mute
Reason for mute: Harassment
Your story: I'm making my second appeal to my global mute as well as a response to what has been said in the previous mute appeal.
To start off with I want to make it clear that despite my past and what you think I did to 'disrespect' staff or volunteers, I very much appreciate everything you've done, and what others have done to make this server in my opinion the best RPG server out there and making this a server that I keep on coming back to.
Now looking at your response Kainzo I was globally muted for continually making overly sexual remarks, not listening to staff when told to stop, and for not saying nice things. Now to be straight up with you I disagree. Now you say what I said wasn't nice, and were overly sexual remarks.
Now correct me if I'm wrong but with my knowledge saying that someone is a Lesbian isn't 1. Overly Sexual, 2. Not nice. People are PROUD of their sexual orientation and I personally am very open and accepting of people of any sexual orientation. Now if you think that saying that someone is Lesbian is not nice, isn't that kind of a punch in the face to people who are lesbian? Or gay? Or just in general somebody with a different sexual orientation from heterosexual. What you are implying, from what I can see you are writing is that you think being Lesbian is bad. So its now deemed as an insult in your eyes. Is that why I got globally muted?
If that WAS the case then I won't hold back when saying that I feel that I was wrongfully muted. I see no problem with people being Lesbian, Gay, Pansexual, Bisexual or any other sexual orientation, and I feel other people who lets say are lesbian or gay, don't find people saying they are a sexual orientation offending or insulting in any way.
Not to mention you say its an overly sexual remark, now in my opinion and other's opinions talking about one's sexual orientation is no different from talking about someone's hair color, gender, or age. It's a part of a person, and it's a part of life. Being muted for talking about one's sexual orientation is equivalent in my mind of talking about someone's gender.
This is why I think I was wrongfully globally muted. What I said was in no way ment to be a verbal attack, or childish. It was merely a statement, an observation, and an opinion I had about another person's sexual orientation. Going back to what I said before, if making a statement about one's sexual orientation is illegal, then that must mean making a statement on one's age or gender is illegal as well.
Response/Suggestion part:
If you think that discussing one's sexual orientation is harassment that's fine, but all I ask is for you to update hc.to/rules and clarify the harassment rule more and specify what exactly would be harassment. Harassment is very broad and it can include many things, it's for many people a gray area cause some might think something is harassment and some might think otherwise. This was partly why I didn't stop when mods asked me to stop. Mods CAN be wrong about rules, and with a rule as obscure and unclear as the harassment rule I personally didn't see anything wrong with what I was saying.
Anyways I hope you read my appeal in all of its entirety. This is to me more than just a global mute about 'childish remarks' this a debatable gray area that should be thoroughly discussed, and changes to the harassment should be applied to make the rule clearer so that people won't get muted / banned for a rule that could arguably be unclear.
Thanks, and I truly hope you consider my heartfelt and thought out mute appeal. It would definitely be great to be able to get unmuted and continue chatting, and socializing with this wonderful Minecraft community!