AMEN! Alchemist is struggling pretty badly because of heaven's gate and all the mobs that come with it. Because of it, many slimes are easy to farm in the t1 dungeon, and provide very easy slimeballs, one of the only ways an alchemist made more than a couple bucks per potion. This could possibly help Alchemist by producing something of value that they don't have to mass produce to make a good bit of money. For example, each class has some sort of item that sells for a lot that it can make, excluding merchant and engineer for special circumstances. For example, Blacksmiths easily make a ton of money because of the demand for tools and armor, farmers make a lot as well in leather sales alone, Runesmiths CAN make some large amounts of money on occasional orders (I think runesmith is in a worse position than Alchemist, sadly.) Miners can usually "smeltgold" skill for a ton of gold, and then sell it, also with the passive double ore drop bonus, miners can make a lot of money in a short time. Alchemist and Runesmiths are the only ones left in the dust. People only go alchemist when they're providing potions for their town etc. Diamonds are only valuable, and the CD on the Transmute skill makes it a bitch to produce those effectively (Psst...reduce it, to say, 30 seconds?) Adding emeralds would complete the mana/stamina munch set, giving Alchemist that little bit of value to make up for its lack of use in everyday money making.
Especially since they can only make like 4 useful potions, one of which is obscenely hard to procure ingredients for. Or better yet, remove the emerald/mana and diamond/stamina thing and add mana and stamina potions. Reasons: There's a drinking animation, preventing people from munching like 12 in a fight and regaining full mana. It looks better and makes more sense (Can YOU bite down and eat a diamond?), and adds to the pool of potions that alchemist can make.
Also, for fuck's sake fix those useless cauldron recipes. I'd say a solid 40-50% of them are completely useless in the Alchemist's kit. Try adding ways to produce new ingredients, such as rabbit feet, which are not easy to collect otherwise.
~A concerned iAlchemist.
Yes, I don't structure my statements, No, I will not change it.