In Game Name - dr_burrito_PhD
Age - 16
Time Zone - EST
Country of residence - USA
First Name (For Chemistry) - Antonio
Classes Mastered - none
Crafter Spec - whatever you need besides engineer
Favorite Food (In minecraft) - steak
What made you get this skin? - im a fucking burrito
Past towns - 0
Favorite Friendly Mob - cows
Are you ok with role-playing around the town for funsies? - yes
Can you use teamspeak? - already am
Why are number 2 pencils so special? - because number 2 is the best
Why can't you tickle yourself? - I don't know about you but I can
Favorite League of Legends champion (This is a must) - Darius
Describe what each trait means to you, and relate whether or not the trait is one of your defining characteristics. Then describe how you will act on a daily basis, if they are a defining characteristic
1. Deception - the act of lying, not defining
2. Pride - the act of being pride full having self-esteem. I am prideful it is a defining characteristic
3. Betrayal - the act of being a backstabber, not defining
4. Greed - ambition wanting more and better things, defining characteristic. I will do whatever it takes to get stuff
5. Glutony - there is no such thing as over indulgence
6. Sloth - lazy defining super lazy
7. Lust - do stuff on impulses yep.
8. Hatred - the act of hating people, yep defining I hate people
Draw a picture of your personality in paint. Must be detailed. Put the picture below.
I have no personality so blank picture