It was a joke, it lists in the town we all share the love of anal, I decided to put that in my pic as a joke, I can make a REAL, Drawing if you want, but then again I understand why I was denied

I am actually very motivated btw, if I can get a second chance, I can show you :xanipher: <-- Not sure why I added Xani, Guess I was feeling 'Bacony' as Xani would say.
I felt this was a laid back town where they could except jokes, Though it was a immature move the itzmak and Shorty I see in-game seem to be alot different in Akahi. I can see why though a town is very important so thanks for reading my wall of words
I also felt that the importance of the 'Extra Questions' was more optional, or 'Flimsy' I should've took it much more seriously im sorry for my
#Facepalm, app and I mostly agree with you.
If you don't give me a second chance I'm okay wait it I deserve it, im sorry everyone for my #Worst-app-ever