Sorry I forgot to mention the previous ban, I was in a class as I had been looking over your wiki in the morning before school, and I had typed that while in class at the end of class and didn't have much time, in my rush I had forgotten about that because I hadn't thought of it as a ban since it was nearly immediately revoked. And yes, I had been interested in video game hacking previously, although I couldn't imagine myself using any form of hacks on minecraft or any video game anymore; and DEFINITELY not any griefing, it just ruins the game, plus I really just want to view how extensive this mod is because I've gotten into programming and even used to run my own server and when I saw this modification it sparked my interest.
I probably just should have done a PIPL search for myself to actually find anything because I do hop through communities very fast, as an example I couldn't have played more than 5 minutes on that server that said I was 21 you had brought up just out of sheer boredom when playing. Although this server itself has been keeping my interest, it would be much appreciated if I could be allowed on.
I mean, I made that hacking thing when I was like, what, 12?
If you talk to me(I'm sure I'll be in your teamspeak) then you'll find out I'm not that bad of a person. Also, I have some other people I know how applied for whitelisting, as I think I've said in my previous post, they can all vouch for my good behavior.