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[AD] - Novigrad - Neutral [PvP] - RECRUITING


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 28, 2012

Home of the leige lords

Leisurely Lord: BeasttRecon

- has400
- Jrr_


Town Skinner:
- Vasalkar

Novigrad: A town for likeminded people looking to enjoy their time on Herocraft

Tax: Currently is at 6s per day due to our great lord BeasttRecon storing all of his hard earned money into the town bank!

  1. Follow all server rules. Failing to do so ruins our town reputation. If you fail to follow server rules you will immediately be kicked from the town.
  2. Your primary concern should be the towns development. We do not like greed but do not enforce communism either. Please donate what you can to the town.
  3. Don't be an idiot.
  4. Theft involved within the town will result in severe punishment.
  5. If you have nothing to do, work on town projects, it is greatly appreciated!
  6. No Raiding/Greifing/Killing other townies or allies.
  7. Don’t piss off other townies. We do not enjoy drama within the town.
  8. Do not enter another members house without their full given permission to do so.*
  9. Your house must actually look half decent. We like things to look good.
  10. Cover all chests with dirt unless they are LWC'd.
  11. Do NOT let raiders into the base.
  12. Don't go into my house or other peoples houses
  13. Try and be productive, make the most of your time when you are on Herocraft
  14. Lastly, try to have fun. Just chill out and play with us

For the question in the application 'did you read all the town rules?' put - Chicken Nuggets

Allies (Try to help, do not raid/attack/annoy/allowed in town)
- Alun/Aetherius Dominion

Non Aggression Pact (Do not raid, attack or annoy these towns)
- Emergence

Enemies (Do everything you can to murder these people/Not allowed in town)
- Freepers
- Tree Creepers
- Werwew19
- SpikesLoL a.k.a BunnyTang
- Nicole1551

Novigrad (Public) Town Projects:
Dig out undercity - [DONE]

What Novigrad can offer to you:
We can offer fun, safety and a group of people to do stuff with.

Upon Approval:
You will be given the co-ordinates of Novigrad and you can help build, level, raid and defend with us. And you'll be given the TS and chat password.

Without any contact from a player for over 2 months, their stuff will be taken out of their house and put into a secure storage facility just incase they come back. Message Beast if you are going to be inactive for said amount of time.

Private Conversation: Respected and Authorized people will be put in a town conversation on these forums to discuss things that need to be discussed.

- Must be able to use Teamspeak and have a mic
- Must be able to handle mediocre mucking around (Most of us a sort of young)

Application to Join (Copy and paste):
When did you join Herocraft?
When did you start playing Minecraft?
Did you read all of the town rules?
Previous Towns/Guilds?
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)?
Class/Profession | Level:
What can you contribute to Novigrad?
Why do you want to join Novigrad?
Where are you from? (Country):
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak?
How did you hear about Novigrad?
Are you willing to cut your affiliations with other groups to become part of something better? (We do not support personal alliances):

Town Skin:

We are looking to enforce a preset town skin to enable us to be recognised more easily as a group and for understandability in PvP situations - all members are asked to wear this skin with the flexibility of being able to change the head of the skin to whatever they wish.

Preset skin: http://mcss.me/BeasttRecon
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Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 28, 2012
Members list:
- @BeasttRecon
- @has400
- @jrr5556
- @FracturedFusion
- @ParadoxNightmare
- @fearlesswolf34
- @Templar_James
- @Aiyeris
- @LightXEthan
- @PCmonkey11
- @AzenYumCha
- @Dafefman
- @damongray
- @JonathanI2002

Looking for experienced Herocrafters!
If you believe you're up for the challenge, apply now for a chance to get high among the ranks of Novigrad.

Special Mentions to existing members:
Trapazoidberg - Doesn't accept @STDs4YouAnd4Me bounty
FearlessWolf34 - Very good at pvp

Our Core Aspects:
Communication -> Teamwork -> Skill

PvP Videos:
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Jan 3, 2014
IGN: Chilli_Bandit
Age: 15
When did you join Herocraft? A year ago? Not entirely sure but I know my basic way around
When did you start playing Minecraft? ^^^^^^^^
Did you read all of the town rules? Chicken Nuggets
Previous Towns/Guilds? Erebor
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? No townies in the same timezone as me :( got boring
Class/Profession | Level: 34 Ranger | 14 Blacksmith
What can you contribute to Novigrad? I'm a decent builder and can certainly give my best at PvP although I'm not the best :/. I'll have plenty of spare times after exams
Why do you want to join Novigrad? You guys seem to be cool and play around my timezone. I know a few from the town and would certainly look forward to living in your town
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? 2-4 a day so 14 - 28 a week
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? Yes
How did you hear about Novigrad? Recruitment in-game
Are you willing to cut your affiliations with other groups to become part of something better? (We do not support personal alliances): Sure :)


Legacy Supporter 6
Sep 29, 2012
IGN: Chilli_Bandit
Age: 15
When did you join Herocraft? A year ago? Not entirely sure but I know my basic way around
When did you start playing Minecraft? ^^^^^^^^
Did you read all of the town rules? Chicken Nuggets
Previous Towns/Guilds? Erebor
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? No townies in the same timezone as me :( got boring
Class/Profession | Level: 34 Ranger | 14 Blacksmith
What can you contribute to Novigrad? I'm a decent builder and can certainly give my best at PvP although I'm not the best :/. I'll have plenty of spare times after exams
Why do you want to join Novigrad? You guys seem to be cool and play around my timezone. I know a few from the town and would certainly look forward to living in your town
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? 2-4 a day so 14 - 28 a week
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? Yes
How did you hear about Novigrad? Recruitment in-game
Are you willing to cut your affiliations with other groups to become part of something better? (We do not support personal alliances): Sure :)
@BeasttRecon hes one of us!


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 28, 2012
IGN: Chilli_Bandit
Age: 15
When did you join Herocraft? A year ago? Not entirely sure but I know my basic way around
When did you start playing Minecraft? ^^^^^^^^
Did you read all of the town rules? Chicken Nuggets
Previous Towns/Guilds? Erebor
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? No townies in the same timezone as me :( got boring
Class/Profession | Level: 34 Ranger | 14 Blacksmith
What can you contribute to Novigrad? I'm a decent builder and can certainly give my best at PvP although I'm not the best :/. I'll have plenty of spare times after exams
Why do you want to join Novigrad? You guys seem to be cool and play around my timezone. I know a few from the town and would certainly look forward to living in your town
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? 2-4 a day so 14 - 28 a week
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? Yes
How did you hear about Novigrad? Recruitment in-game
Are you willing to cut your affiliations with other groups to become part of something better? (We do not support personal alliances): Sure :)
Accepted. I'll set you up in-game.
Jul 6, 2013
1. Dafefman
2. 16
3. Around 2 years ago I joined HC, but I have played on and off. Plan to stick around for a time.
4. Started playing MC around 4 years ago.
5. Chicken Nuggets
6. Tiltwo and Erebor
7. I left Tiltwo because we lacked strong, active leadership, and we had no protections against frequent raiding or even a permanent home.
I left Erebor because there was no freedom. We were given a chest or two to keep our things and a massive but loose community. Not really my type of town.
8. I am currently a lv 6 ranger, but I was a lv 38 dragoon before I switched classes recently. Think I am a level 18-20 crafter.
9. I am a pretty good builder. I especially love building boats (Part of the reason I like the town is the pirate theme. Figure boats go along with that). I am a good shot with a bow in PvP and as long as it is not against a dragoon using jump or running in a non-repeating serpentine pattern I can most likely hit them.
10. I like Novigrad because of the pirate-type theme (at least I am assuming that based on the skin requirement), and I like the layout of the rules. Really I am really just looking for a medium sized town with active members where I can actually do something in the community.
11. Activity is a bit of an issue for me. It really depends on that day's homework, I have a very busy school schedule. Mondays and Wednesdays there is usually very little chance of me getting online because that is when my jazz band meets. Tuesdays and Thursdays I can usually play for a couple hours. Friday-Sunday I can really play as much as I like.
12. Mhmm.
13. I am active on the forums and saw the town thread.
14. Sure.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 28, 2012
1. Dafefman
2. 16
3. Around 2 years ago I joined HC, but I have played on and off. Plan to stick around for a time.
4. Started playing MC around 4 years ago.
5. Chicken Nuggets
6. Tiltwo and Erebor
7. I left Tiltwo because we lacked strong, active leadership, and we had no protections against frequent raiding or even a permanent home.
I left Erebor because there was no freedom. We were given a chest or two to keep our things and a massive but loose community. Not really my type of town.
8. I am currently a lv 6 ranger, but I was a lv 38 dragoon before I switched classes recently. Think I am a level 18-20 crafter.
9. I am a pretty good builder. I especially love building boats (Part of the reason I like the town is the pirate theme. Figure boats go along with that). I am a good shot with a bow in PvP and as long as it is not against a dragoon using jump or running in a non-repeating serpentine pattern I can most likely hit them.
10. I like Novigrad because of the pirate-type theme (at least I am assuming that based on the skin requirement), and I like the layout of the rules. Really I am really just looking for a medium sized town with active members where I can actually do something in the community.
11. Activity is a bit of an issue for me. It really depends on that day's homework, I have a very busy school schedule. Mondays and Wednesdays there is usually very little chance of me getting online because that is when my jazz band meets. Tuesdays and Thursdays I can usually play for a couple hours. Friday-Sunday I can really play as much as I like.
12. Mhmm.
13. I am active on the forums and saw the town thread.
14. Sure.
Accepted! Msg me in-game and i'll set you up
Jul 6, 2013
So due to the fact that it has been about a week without seeing any members of Novigard that can invite me @BeasttRecon @has400 @jrr5556 is there anyway you can get online around 9:00 am GMT +8 so someone can invite me?

EDIT: Actually nvm, I am busy tonight. Homecoming and such. And SAT prep in the morning. Is there anyway for you to get online around 9:00 am Monday morning GMT +8?
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Mar 28, 2015
IGN: JonathanI2002
Age: 13
When did you join Herocraft? 2 months Before the restart
When did you start playing Minecraft? 2002 lol
Did you read all of the town rules? Chicken Nuggets/ Yup
Previous Towns/Guilds? War/ Warforged town
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? Kicked for unactivity cause i were on vacation and forgot to tell.
Class/Profession | Level: Pyromancer 5/ Crafter 4. Pretty bad right now but im going up!
What can you contribute to Novigrad? I am good at building but better with redstone
Why do you want to join Novigrad? YOu seem like a cool Town and you seem really nice so should be cool if i could join.
Where are you from? (Country): Sweden
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? I have teamspeak 3 now and i havea mic
How did you hear about Novigrad? BeastRecon said that you were recruiting.
Are you willing to cut your affiliations with other groups to become part of something better? (We do not support personal alliances): Idk what you mean but i woudent quit Novigrad to join Another Town no.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 28, 2012
IGN: JonathanI2002
Age: 13
When did you join Herocraft? 2 months Before the restart
When did you start playing Minecraft? 2002 lol
Did you read all of the town rules? Chicken Nuggets/ Yup
Previous Towns/Guilds? War/ Warforged town
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? Kicked for unactivity cause i were on vacation and forgot to tell.
Class/Profession | Level: Pyromancer 5/ Crafter 4. Pretty bad right now but im going up!
What can you contribute to Novigrad? I am good at building but better with redstone
Why do you want to join Novigrad? YOu seem like a cool Town and you seem really nice so should be cool if i could join.
Where are you from? (Country): Sweden
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? I have teamspeak 3 now and i havea mic
How did you hear about Novigrad? BeastRecon said that you were recruiting.
Are you willing to cut your affiliations with other groups to become part of something better? (We do not support personal alliances): Idk what you mean but i woudent quit Novigrad to join Another Town no.
Accepted! Get with me in-game and i'll set you up