Legacy Supporter 5
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- Mar 24, 2013
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Wif me?Im in, looking for a team can play Max;Dragoon, Pally, Disciple, DK

Wif me?Im in, looking for a team can play Max;Dragoon, Pally, Disciple, DK
Why don't we just make it on the event server? Several mods and I would be happy to help, and you or perhaps @Xanipher could try to organize it more.I can provide admin support for setting up the Central Arena. I need a good amount of head's-up for time, so the sooner you pick a date/time, the betterIn general, late at night weekdays EST or weekend afternoons EST are best for me.
Depends when it is, I'll be in Canada from 23-28 and Costa Rica from nov 5 - 15. I have glassblowing until 1pm Sat Nov 1st. You guys can use the event server no problem. The arena is fairly easy to manage by design. Just have a person that can fly operate the switch near the graveyard sphere. If I'm home when the tourney happens, then I'll gladly take care of it.Why don't we just make it on the event server? Several mods and I would be happy to help, and you or perhaps @Xanipher could try to organize it more.
Gimmie da powers! Truzle can do thisDepends when it is, I'll be in Canada from 23-28 and Costa Rica from nov 5 - 15. I have glassblowing until 1pm Sat Nov 1st. You guys can use the event server no problem. The arena is fairly easy to manage by design. Just have a person that can fly operate the switch near the graveyard sphere. If I'm home when the tourney happens, then I'll gladly take care of it.
what time would be like EST? im really bad with time changesUpdated post to include time/day have not done date yet, if there is any issue with timezones (I tried to pick the best one for all our users) let me know.
Also teams, start signing up, a lot of people have expressed interest, so start formally writing down teams!
Well you made the date so soon, idk how many people will signup.We have 1 team singed up, Is Gangsta Really Destroy?
Cmon guys, get together and sign up!
oh good good lol, ill end up making itIt is not on this saturday, it's on a saturday.
I'm thinking Mid November unless people start signing up fast!
The arena will be hosted on a Saturday at 3.30pm CDT - date to follow when teams sign up!
- 7.30 am Sunday for Melbourne
- 4.30 pm Saturday for New York
- 1.30 pm Saturday for LA
- 9.30 pm Saturday for London
Rules on Gear
- 30k Soul Prize Pool | Rare Weapon Rewards | Codex Giveaways
- Hosted at central arena, (or hopefully with admin assistance the arena)
- Please post team names and team members below. Free to sign up - no buy in!
- Date will be announced when minimum 10 teams have singed up.
- I will be providing gear to everyone, just show up and want to pvp!
- 1 Instant Health 2 and 1 Speed 2 1:30 Potion per player, per fight.
- All armor/weapons are either unenchanted, or 'gladiator' this will mean you will want to include leather in your builds to use the gladiator enchanted armor.
- You will be given 24 of any reagent required per player, per fight.
- You will be given 5 Emeralds and 5 Diamonds, per player, per fight.
Rules on CombatGladiator's Battle Axe - Sharpness V Fire Aspect I Unbreaking II
Gladiator's Long Sword - Sharpness V Fire Aspect I Unbreaking II
Gladiator's Scythe - Sharpness II Unbreaking II Kockback I Fire Aspect I
Gladiator's Spear - Sharpness V Unbreaking III
Gladiator's Twin Daggers - Sharpness IV Unbreaking III
Gladiator's Firerod - Sharpness IV Unbreaking I Fire Aspect I
Gladiator's Firewhip - Sharpness IV Unbreaking V Fire Aspect II
Gladiator's Longbow - Power III Punch I Unbreaking II Infinity I
Widow Maker - Smite II Knockback II Fire Aspect I Thorns III
Gladiator's Tunic- Protection I Knockback Resistance 10%
Gladiator's Helm - Protection I Knockback Resistance 10%
Gladiator's Leggings - Protection I Knockback Resistance 10%
Gladiator's Boots - Protection I Knockback Resistance 10%
- No revives, gtps or beguiler teleports. If you have died you are out of the fight.
- You must stay in the arena the whole time, or you are considered dead.
Rules for Spectators
- If someone on your team doesn't show, you are allowed to bring another. You can have as many subs as you want, but only 3 people can fight per match.
- All rewards will be given to team leader, and is up to him to split it among the people who participate in their team. (I can come in to fix disputes, but don't make me.)
- Don't bitch, all decisions will be made and assessed by me, and anyone else who is on the organizing team.
- Buff are not allowed, I will not be providing 5 gold and do not bring your own.
- Do not fucking interrupt fights, the entire community will hate you. This is a dick move, so don't do it.
- Do not use ANY Heroes skills during the event in order to minimize lag
- Cheering and booing is allowed, although harassment of teams is not
- Do not provide buffs for anyone who is competing, I want shorter more intense fights.
WTB bouncer team, keeping fights fair and free from interruption.
You can still be competing whilst on the bouncer team.
This entire post is subject to change at any time under my assessment.
More details to be announced as people sign up.
Please Share this around; http://tiny.cc/HCPVP3V3
@w0nd3rb0y @FrankyDemon1996 @TrueCorruptor @BurKeYzZ @Darkwerty @greenliketea @RShooter2000 @Salary22 @Tigobitties123 @what777 @xMJay @Cardboardking @Dreamcycler @JupiterRome @nonamemajdeath @ParadoxNightmare @Rida_ @munchlaxhero @Trazil @Im_a_Pickle @deadlyspartan28 @Xerot @SoHighFive @Naxet91 @ChazzaMaGazza @dylandadon123 @Jreems @downfall325 @DrunkenKorean654 @Iseradore @KellanGarber @dingytoothpaste @Jrr5556 @fearlesswolf34 @Dwarfers @malikdanab @natenate682 @Aerokii @Malarb @Sarelth @MCderpy12 @Dhuumreaper @kotagrizzly @TheEpicShad0w @HerpDerp24 @sneakyhalo117 @sneakyhalos @CoolBeans279 @qsa123456789 @Enderless117 @MrFly007 @UltimateOptics @UltNachopony @Leeness @Mustardmanmcgee [USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12][USERGROUP=12]@Moderators[/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP] [USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9][USERGROUP=9]@Admins[/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP] @has400 @TicklesTheMighty @devotedworker @meep_the_GOD @Mischevity @Irishman81 @Kenneth_Chow @21gunz @Da_Burg @uin153 @Glacial_Reign @Dakinara @xRedDeadx @PewPewPewLasers @whiteninja1970
Team 1; Is Gangsta Really Destroy?
Team 2; Someone Grief My Taters Farm!
- FrankyDemon1996 (Team Leader)
- W0nd3rBoyCK
- Darkwerty
- mailkdanab (Team Leader)
- natenate682
- MalaWolf
Wow just fucking ditch me why dont you
LEGO MOTHA FUCKAI'm in, lets go @FrankyDemon1996 @Darkwerty