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Search results

  1. S

    Mob Arena - Live bug report thread!

    I recently just died in the mob arena sewer. When it took me outside, I died instantly even though I had full health. It might be some kind of bug. Anyways, I want to know if I could get back all the stuff I had in my inventory cause I had earn it from the mob arena. My IGN is Silent626..
  2. S

    Mob Arena - Live bug report thread!

    Yeah something happened to me today. I also saw it happen to someone else a few minutes ago. I don't know how or why this happened now but I died instantly with full health. Will we be given our items back since we were killed from a bug? I had earn most in not all items from the mob arena sewer...
  3. S

    I recently just died in the mob arena sewer and when it took me outside, I died instantly even...

    I recently just died in the mob arena sewer and when it took me outside, I died instantly even though I had full health. It might be some kind of bug. Anyways, I want to know if I could get back all the stuff I had in my inventory cause I had earn it from the mob arena. My IGN is Silent626
  4. S

    Applications for silent626

    Ok ill check now
  5. S

    Applications for silent626

    To be honest, no, I can't remember what happened since it was long ago. All I can say is I won't disobey rules.
  6. S

    Applications for silent626

    Like I stated above, I couldn't really say but from the looks of it I been banned once.
  7. S

    Applications for silent626

    In-game name: silent626 Location & Age: Chicago, 20 Previous Bans (Includes other servers): I think none, can't really say as I play single player mostly. Referral(s): XOSS and VP11 Reason you should be accepted:Reason you should you be accepted: I am just looking to have fun with my friends...
  8. S

    Applications for silent626

    In-game name: silent626 Location & Age: Chicago, 20 Previous Bans (Includes other servers): I think none, can't really say as I play single player mostly. Referral(s): XOSS and VP11 Reason you should be accepted:Reason you should you be accepted: I am just looking to have fun with my friends...