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Search results

  1. Heruohtar

    Suggestion Hero PVE Vs. PVP

    I am excited about having a PVE map on its way but I wanted to make a suggestion I thought of. We could attempt to create a toggle per individual on whether or not they are going to participate in PvP or PvE and not allow them to switch back and forth only on approval by staff. That way we do...
  2. Heruohtar

    ALERT Still trucking!

    I am all for the PVE server it is about time :3 Unstructured PvP is not appealing to me in the least just opens too many horrible horrible doors. Cough tree creepers cough.
  3. Heruohtar

    Suggestion [General] - "Legal dumping", making stolen items soul bound.

    They already log all actions on the server. so having a more automated way to catch chest dumpers should be in theory possible. Like you said your self you know nothing about coding you can do anything with the proper code. but as has been said the time required to create something on this level...
  4. Heruohtar

    Suggestion [General] - "Legal dumping", making stolen items soul bound.

    We could just lower the price of chest locks or add a LWC option that prevents the chest from being broken but still lootable. Like a sturdy chest. can we use chest traps? trapping a chest to make it injure or kill a looter would help :P
  5. Heruohtar

    [AD]Aetherius Dominion - Kingdom - Neutral

    IGN: Heruohtar Age:26 Location | Time zone:Arizona Link to your whitelist application: um.. Jan 1 2011 How long have you been on HC: Almost 3 years to the date. Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic:I am on teamspeak What towns have you been in:Madlum...
  6. Heruohtar

    Suggestion Shadow Trance or Moon and Sun Class

    I like this one but it has a lot of abilities :P we would need a special bar just for skills to be implemented. like a gui macro bar would be hard to implement with out rearranging some things like right clicking. so you can use the right mouse button to move camera.
  7. Heruohtar

    Suggestion Chill-wind Class

    I like this Idea I would play it and I don't even play rogue types. Blizzard should have a short snowblind effect as well!
  8. Heruohtar

    Bug Drop transfer

    I am using standard MC. with the herosmod.jar I got from the forums. Nothing else. I deleted everything else. is there any logs or something I can post for you Dxdiag or something?
  9. Heruohtar

    Bug Drop transfer

    Last several times I have activated my drop transfer chest then traveled half way across the map in some fashion be it warp or recall or walk. When I get there and attempt to use the drop chest I desync with the server causing me to need to relog thus resetting my drop transfer. Making it...
  10. Heruohtar

    [Town] [LO] Verstad [28] [Neutral] - Recruiting!

    Application IGN:Heruohtar Age: 20+ Time zone: AZ Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Healer/Crafter How long have you been on HC?: Almost three years. Why do you want to join?: New map, new friends, Same old pvpers. Will you help with town projects?: Yeah What can you give to us, as a community...