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Search results

  1. Cesrawr

    Coder Application: Cesrawr

    1. Minecraft IGN: Cesrawr 2. Position applying for: Coding Team 3. Age: 19 4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of the United States): GMT -7 (Mountain Time) 5. How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 3 Years 6. How long have you been on Herocraft?: 1 Month (Registered long ago...
  2. Cesrawr

    Cesrawr's level reset

    IGN: Cesrawr De-leveled by: unknown Time of de-level: 12/11/13 Reason for de-level: None given, I assume for using a structure to impede the path of mobs while I kill them Your story: as a new player I had no idea this was some kind of implied rule until the fourm post made by Gabizou earlier...
  3. Cesrawr

    [Neutral] Genesis V.3 (57) *Recruiting*

    In-game name: Cesrawr Age: 19 Path/profession: LS/Crafter to be Ninja/Enchanter(not 100% sure yet) Miner/Builder/Pvper: PvPer and Miner How active do you plan on being: on most of every day. Most active during late night time How long have you been playing HC: 3 days
  4. Cesrawr

    Cesrawr Whitelist Application

    alright, ty for the notice i'll see what went on
  5. Cesrawr

    Cesrawr Whitelist Application

    uhm, actually we really shouldn't be. I have never logged onto my account at his house. we don't share internet. in fact he lives a good 20 mins away
  6. Cesrawr

    Cesrawr Whitelist Application

    He's my cousin... also plays minecraft. why?
  7. Cesrawr

    Cesrawr Whitelist Application

    Thank you very much
  8. Cesrawr

    Cesrawr Whitelist Application

    oh that was just for a server I currently run for a few friends of mine and my family. I don't think it sees more then 3 people on at once ever : ) If you need some kind of confirmation I could even send you the ip
  9. Cesrawr

    Cesrawr Whitelist Application

    Minecraft In-game name: Cesrawr Location and Age: Canada, 18 Previous Bans from other Servers: None Referral: None How did you hear about Herocraft?: Searching for plugins to run on my own server, came across the HeroCraft plugin and found the official site Have you voted for Herocraft: Yes...