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Search results

  1. odd1inak

    DDOS attack by CraftLandia.

    You say 14, profile says 43. Either way you lied somewhere and that makes me really edgy.
  2. odd1inak

    [Team Fortress 2]Clans,Groups or just play with each other?

    add me too Steam id=odd1inak in game name=tW1Zt3D
  3. odd1inak

    DDOS attack by CraftLandia.

    So now mojang has concerns and problems with us now? Is that what I am getting from that post? I guess I know their position on all this, it's not their problem so why bother.
  4. odd1inak

    DDOS attack by CraftLandia.

    I honestly doubt it. From the way this is all going they will just ignore it also. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if they chalk this up to a "personal feud" and ignore it like others want to, it is the problem of this world that no one wants to get involved except those affected. Now if MCF...
  5. odd1inak

    DDOS attack by CraftLandia.

    So basically everyone is trying to cover their rears in fear of a DDOS attack but Craftlandia claims they do nothing of the sort to anyone? My guess is they are threatening anyone with actual information of their actions to remove any evidence of their crimes. Blackmail and bullying tactics...
  6. odd1inak

    New Temp Ts3 server

    Awesome, thank you very much.
  7. odd1inak

    New Temp Ts3 server

    Is it still up? Doesn't seem to work for me when I try connecting.
  8. odd1inak

    odd1inak's Application

    A few friends severs, I can not remember the sever names but I do remember the admins names. JoshJ5Hawk, Bahalzamon, and I think Zerosaga (I might be wrong on his name) but I haven't heard from in a while. It has been a long while since I was a moderator for a server, I have been pretty content...
  9. odd1inak

    odd1inak's Application

    Minecraft In-game name: odd1inak Location & Age: Olympia, WA 26 Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): No bans known of, the closest thing is the auto ban that some pvp servers have that happens when you die so to keep people from vengence killing. That would be it...