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Search results

  1. PewPewPewLasers

    Bug Fireball not Registering Properly

    As the title suggests, fireball damage doesn't seem to be registering properly. From what I've heard, hero skills are a different form of damage than vanilla and that is the reason that you can be hit by spells and left clicks at the same time. Currently, fireball doesn't seem to be operating...
  2. PewPewPewLasers

    Suggestion A Nerf to Caster Armour

    I'm not sure if this applies to all casters or only beguiler, seeing as I've only see it on beguiler, but I think that having full gold on a caster is too strong. The damage that casters can produce especially with everyone being a low level is insane right now, and I personally believe that...
  3. PewPewPewLasers

    Balance Team App 2.0: PewPewPewLasers

    No longer interested
  4. PewPewPewLasers

    Suggestion An Alternative to Speccing Into a Class

    I had this idea at the TS meeting and those who saw it thought it was a pretty good idea, so I am deciding to put this here. We all know leveling in Herocraft is a bitch, especially to new players. They see these cool videos of a wizard teleporting around, bolting people and shooting fireballs...
  5. PewPewPewLasers

    Suggestion Dreadknight is so... Clunky

    Right now, Dreadknight is in a weird spot. The class is a mixture of magic damage, and tank ability. issue being, it doesn't have the right balance to real fulfill a true role. Want a tank? Why pick dreadknight, paladin is much better! Want some damage? Why pick a clunky low-medium damage class...
  6. PewPewPewLasers

    Pew's Herald Application

    1. Minecraft IGN / Age: PewPewPewLasers, 15, 16 in December. 2. Position applying for: Herald 3. How long have you been on Herocraft?: I've been on for over 3 years now. 4. Timezone (please use GMT if out of US): GMT +7 5. What are your areas of expertise?: My main area of expertise would be...
  7. PewPewPewLasers

    Suggestion Bard Weapon Adjustments

    Plain and simple, I've suggested this before but I don't think there was ever an official answer. I would like Bard's Jukebox to do the same damage as the disc. Lore wise it makes a lot more sense, seeing as the bard uses a lute, and the jukebox is a lot more similar to a lute than a music disc...
  8. PewPewPewLasers

    Suggestion If I Could Redesign Paladin...

    Here is how I would do it. @Eldrylars I stole your format with some modifications, just thought I should thank you for making it. Keep in mind when reading this that if a number is listed, it is in no way the final version of the skill. Everything is a base idea that would need to be...
  9. PewPewPewLasers

    Bug Killing Your Own Clan

    Killing members of your own clan is granting you kills and increasing your clan KDR
  10. PewPewPewLasers

    Bug /kill confirm In Combat

    So, a certain person who I'm not going to call out named @BaBomba has discovered an annoying bug that you can use to avoid death by another player. You type /kill before going into combat and when you're in combat you do /kill confirm and you kill yourself. This is incredibly annoying and can be...