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Search results

  1. jan9f

    Bug Pet Command Issue

    Sounds good.
  2. jan9f

    Bug Pet Command Issue

    It's a minor and simple bug, but all that happens is when you die you have to log off and back in to resummon your pet. The command doesn't work until you do.
  3. jan9f

    [Capitol] [LO] Paragon [34] [Neutral] ☼-Recruiting-☼

    Yes I have. Post with reponse: http://gyazo.com/98c6977f7ac8544739562bbc25105aa4.png
  4. jan9f

    [Capitol] [LO] Paragon [34] [Neutral] ☼-Recruiting-☼

    Application IGN: My name is jan9f. Age: I am fourteen years of age. Time zone: I live in the Eastern Standard Time Zone. What classes are you specializing into: I am specializing in to a scribe and a ranger. Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I have...