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Search results

  1. jan9f

    Anybody Recruiting?

    You can check this sub-forum for a list of all towns, and you can feel free to browse through them.
  2. jan9f

    Proctor App: jan9f

    Been about a month now and I'm still interested, so I'm bumping. I have a bit of school work going on currently so I can't get on MC as much but I can still be on the forums often
  3. jan9f

    Architect App: jan9f

    Minecraft IGN: jan9f Position applying for: Architect Age|Timezone: 15|EST How long have you been on Herocraft?: Since August of 2013. Why do you think you would make a good architect?: I've been playing Minecraft for a long time, and I've had a large amount of experience building. I've helped...
  4. jan9f

    The Winter Olympics of 2014

    *sigh* I'm beginning to lose hope. I understand it's not the only country with cold winters. I live in Michigan, I'm well aware of cold. It's a joke, because Canada is stereotypically the cold, deserted tundra. I'm not oblivious. I understand there's other countries with cold winters, including...
  5. jan9f

    The Winter Olympics of 2014

  6. jan9f

    The Winter Olympics of 2014

    Ok I guess nobody can take a joke about Canada's winters then.
  7. jan9f

    The Winter Olympics of 2014

    Canada should be no.1 because you know, winter.
  8. jan9f

    The Winter Olympics of 2014

    True. Speculation is something I'm fantastic at, however.
  9. jan9f

    The Winter Olympics of 2014

    True, but still. My point is, tensions are high due to the Olympics.
  10. jan9f

    The Winter Olympics of 2014

    Such as a bomber. And I was referring to the cold war as a result of a war with Russia as well as the issue with Germany and the Berlin Wall. The cold war happened as a result of WWII, and WWIII probably wouldn't be great especially with the technology today