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Search results

  1. jan9f

    Wiki Accuaracy

    Once @Alator is done updating, you can let any wiki member know if you see something outdated and I'm sure they'd be happy to update it.
  2. jan9f

    January Notes - 7.1.0+ | Minecraft 1.8+

    How exactly were they able to do this before and how did you fix it?
  3. jan9f

    WTS Solaris Trade Town Wares

    Desired Enchanted Items: Bow - Power, Unbreaking Diamond Axe - Sharpness, Unbreaking, Effiency
  4. jan9f

    Suggestion XP Boost problems

    Couldn't tell you for sure. It was a 5 or 6 person party and we farmed magma cubes. We had AOE damage and healing so that worked out great.
  5. jan9f

    Suggestion More Player Models

    Oh, well I didn't know that was possible. In that case, I change my opinion more towards what @j2gay said. I like the plugin, but with the current lag issues it's probably not the best of ideas. Perhaps if we're able to run it on the server without causing it lag, I would support it fully. Until...
  6. jan9f

    Suggestion XP Boost problems

    This 1000x, and it should be also based on your skill level compared to theirs, rather than just purely level alone.
  7. jan9f

    Guide App: jan9f

    Minecraft IGN: jan9f Position applying for: Guide Age|Timezone: 15 | EST How long have you been on Herocraft?: A year and change Why do you think you would make a good guide?: I've held the position before and am able to actively help people in chat. I recently returned from a break due to some...
  8. jan9f

    They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

    They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
  9. jan9f

    Suggestion More Player Models

    The reason the server works as well as it does (well, not all of it, but a good portion) is because it offers a very unique, non-vanilla experience from minecraft without any external client mods required. If we got this, players would have to install a mod into their client just to play. It...
  10. jan9f

    ༒ Dawnstar ༒

    Age: 15 Timezone: EST Activity: Frequent Current class & lvl: Pathfinder, level 26 Current profession & lvl: Crafter, level 17 (Looking to go smith, but I can compromise if needed) Future class choice/s: Perhaps Wizard, but after I mastered T2 Ranger (pathfinder) Future profession choice/s: Like...