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Search results

  1. Rubber_Duckies

    Balance Team App: Rubber_Duckies

    1. Minecraft IGN / Age: Rubber_Duckies 16 2. Position applying for: Balance Team 3. How long have you been on Herocraft?: 2 years 9 months give or take a month 4. What's your favorite class/path?: Ninja, Bloodmage and Druid/Mystic are my top 3 5. How often and in what timezone can you test?: 4+...
  2. Rubber_Duckies

    Suggestion Blinds are useless

    Blinds are useless. Blind on Ninja is a waste of a skill, Necro's Despair does around 50 damage AoE and Dreadknight's terror is okay because it slows, but still these skills are obtained near max level. However they do nothing because half the server runs Optifine which is included in the...
  3. Rubber_Duckies

    Suggestion Armor DR tweaks

    Pretty much. Its annoying playing Ninja when half the players mitigate my damage to dust. Also, when Ranger's explosive shot gets nerfed (hopefully) they'll feel the pain too :/.
  4. Rubber_Duckies

    Suggestion Armor DR tweaks

    But you can configure endurance and starting armor weight.
  5. Rubber_Duckies

    has400's absence / maybe leave

    What kind of operation is it, like part of the body, or whatever? Good luck though, hope you come back has.
  6. Rubber_Duckies

    Suggestion Armor DR tweaks

    Endurance and armor atm is whack!
  7. Rubber_Duckies

    Suggestion Endurance is Whack

    Endurance is whack, but delete this anyways.
  8. Rubber_Duckies

    Bug No LostSoul Mastery Badge

    Upon hitting level 30 I did not receive a mastery badge. My inventory was not full and I looked around on the ground as I was told I would get one from someone who had already mastered.