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Search results

  1. PoisonEdge

    Bug Possible Error on Supporter HeroCraftWiki Page

    Say the word, and I will give it a clean sweep for mistakes.. I just noticed that one because I was researching the rewards for supporting.
  2. PoisonEdge

    Read How to become a Supporter of Herocraft

    Donated 20$ this morning.
  3. PoisonEdge

    Bug Possible Error on Supporter HeroCraftWiki Page

    Any idea when it will be back on the server? Or was it taken out for a reason?
  4. PoisonEdge

    Cleric or Disciple?

    Cleric would be able to revive fallen party members though.
  5. PoisonEdge

    June's Top 10 Voters!

    Yeah, not like it is taking a lot of time out of my morning routine at work to throw the extra vote in there.. Was just wondering what was up with it.
  6. PoisonEdge

    Suggestion Add more specs! Change class tree!

    If they lose in a fair PvP fight, they get to keep it?? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me.. That should be the way they actually lose it. You aren't very legendary if you lose in fair combat to someone not so legendary. But I do agree with the idea of only 1 per legendary class, to give...
  7. PoisonEdge

    June's Top 10 Voters!

    Grats everyone.. Keep up the voting, I am gunna try to get up there for this month.. Started a little late though. Question: The 8th Vote doesn't have a way to submit my IGN, do I have to make an accnt for that to happen? Or is the 8th one a free one? Cuz I have done that one twice now...
  8. PoisonEdge

    Bug Possible Error on Supporter HeroCraftWiki Page

    In the table showing the benefits of Supporting, it shows Tier 8 getting a 24 slot backpack. But if you go down to the Backpacks explanation further on the page, it lists a different slot quantity of 36 slots. I am not tier 8, so I do not know for sure what the correct size is, so I wouldn't...
  9. PoisonEdge


    Not really any way to avoid them out right.. Aside from spotting them in advance and going around them.. The trick to fighting them, is called kiting. Because of their fuse timer, you have a 95% chance to hit them with a melee attack or offensive spell, and backpedal far enough away for their...
  10. PoisonEdge

    Restore Final Say on 'Who Plays HC' to Staff

    I think what it seems to come down to is, once a problem player, always a problem player? If you are so worried about them being one, just give them the time it takes to do something to get themselves banned again. Griefing can be undone with time?