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Search results

  1. jan9f

    Suggestion Herocrafts newly designed website "shots fired"

    Yes, because I'm a "child." I believe you need to "get off your high horse," as Nuclear stated. I think you need to keep that ego in check. Also, where have you seen this image before? I don't believe this is being "rapidly spread," as you put it. In fact, this came off a medical study regarding...
  2. jan9f

    Suggestion Proctor Role

    Then perhaps we need to look not at the permission, but at the people holding it.
  3. jan9f

    Suggestion Proctor Role

    I think perhaps proctors could watch chat, and Guides could filter through the bad and the good /pe's and send them to mods/admins, since they used to be able to answer PE's. Perhaps just being able to sort through them could save Mods/Admins a lot of time.
  4. jan9f

    Suggestion Proctor Role

    Sure, it's not necessarily my place to voice my opinion on this, but I just don't think it's very logical to crack down on the "ur mom/girlfriend" stuff. It's an internet community, toxicity and immaturity are inevitable.
  5. jan9f

    Bug Chests inside a township no longer protected??

    Doors are able to be opened within a super-region, but if the door is protected by a sub-region (i.e. a house) it's locked from the protection of the house. Although, I think it doesn't work for the new door types, but I haven't tested that since 3.0's initial release.
  6. jan9f

    Bug Chests inside a township no longer protected??

    http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/townships-3-2-update-preview.56174/ Right under the announcements section.
  7. jan9f

    Bug Tribe is "frozen"

    My town is also in the same situation
  8. jan9f

    Suggestion [Townships] PVE vs PVP problems

    Sounds cool and all, but I think you're forgetting that there's a reason people settle in the PvE zone, rather than the PvP.
  9. jan9f

    Bug Unable to rebuild a councilroom into a sittingchamber.

    http://herocraftonline.com/wiki/Townships_Guide#Upgrading_a_Super-Region_of_a_Township No, that's not the only way. This is the way skittles and I did it, and it's worked fine.
  10. jan9f

    Cotana Creek

    No rent. I'll be on in just a moment.